Latest ACC News

ACC downgrades safeguarding Māori from injury and sexual violence
ACC Job Cuts Will Mean More Accidents And Injuries
Passage of major tax bill welcomed
Workers should worry about new threat to workplace protections in Minister’s speech
Better regulation could reduce deaths, injuries at home, researchers say
ACC Cuts Will Put Health Of New Zealanders At Risk
ACC deep cuts could mean injured people forced to return to work too soon
Bullied teens’ brains show chemical change associated with psychosis
Central Coast and Macarthur await AFC Cup 2023/24 Knockout fate
Know the dangers when heading out on small recreational water crafts this summer
Accident Compensation Amendment Bill
ACCC consults on ACL’s proposed divestiture remedy for Healius acquisition
Accelerated silicosis update
Health and safety of workers at risk with WorkSafe restructuring proposal
A National/ACT Government would make life miserable for those already worst off
Accident or medical, new research shows we need to treat conditions equally to get people back to work
Marama Davidson Free Dental for All Speech
Better experience for workers with changes to ACC programme
Pelvic surgical mesh treatment service will deliver for women
Using data to back decisions along entire supply chain
Govt supporting more rangatahi into training and employment opportunities
Faster ACC payment top-ups and fairer system
Tax bill improves fairness at home and abroad
New Zealand Police introduces first of its kind Rainbow 101 Online Inclusion Training Module
ACC support possible for more Kiwi workers
Public service neutrality for Crown Entity Board Chairs and members
Government keeping Kiwis’ ACC costs low
Compare Market’s proposed acquisition of iSelect not opposed
We need action on child poverty now
Further ACC reforms introduced to Parliament
New Kiwibank parent appoints directors
Govt books resilient amid challenging global times
Australian Caravan Club enjoying Seven Valleys Muster
Fifty years of ACC – Government acts to modernise ACC for workers and women
Govt seeks to better support workers through ACC’s Accredited Employers Programme
Hundreds to benefit from additional maternal health support
Birth injuries bill celebrated – next step, full cover
Government delivers ACC change to support 28,000 parents
Minister to travel to Northern Hemisphere for employment engagements and International Arts Summit
Kiwibank to remain fully Kiwi owned
Australian Country Choice signs Enforceable Undertaking
Time to transform care and support for disabled people
Wider scope for birth injuries bill celebrated
Government announces refreshed Commemorations Programme 2023-2027
Crown accounts reflect Government’s balanced fiscal management
Businesses benefitting from political connections could harm China’s economic growth
Group of Eight Universities and ASEAN Committee in Canberra stand together
Govt takes steps to modernise ACC