Latest AFPA News | Page 3

Forest industries have “huge role to play” in emissions reduction: Minister Murray Watt
Policy incentives for tree farmers needed as plantation estate shrinks by number of house-frames use
Forest industries vital to Albanese Government’s emission reduction targets
250,000 house frames short by 2035 – new report confirms looming cliff without new plantings
Sustainable forestry is part of solution to Australia’s environmental crisis
Forest industries reaffirm workplace safety as top priority
University of Sunshine Coast researcher wins national forest industries award
AFPA looks forward to working with Senator Janet Rice, reaffirmed Greens forests spokesperson
Former Labor Minister Joel Fitzgibbon to partner with Australia’s forest industries, joining AFPA
Forest industries welcome new Federal Shadow Ministry
Gas price increases will contribute to higher fruit and vegetable prices
AFPA welcomes Senator Murray Watt as Federal Agriculture Minister
Forest industries welcome Albanese Ministry with mandate to turbocharge One Billion Trees goal to ta
Union alliance and Woolworths partnership should support all workers
Coalition offers best vision for forest industries
World Forestry Congress says sustainable timber production vital for climate goals
AFPA Board appoints new CEO to lead industry growth
AUSVEG welcomes appointment of Claire McClelland as Australian Fresh Produce Alliance Chief Executive Officer
Sustainably managed, working forests, vital for halting deforestation and delivering climate goals
AFPA highlights global opportunities for sustainable forestry jobs at World Forestry Congress in Kor
National forestry innovation institute to go ahead at University of Tasmania in Launceston
Reporting and enforcement vital to new Horticulture Award standard
Labor’s renewed Pacific commitment is welcome but not at expense of an Agriculture Visa with ASEAN
Federal Labor must ensure that our sustainable pulp and paper manufacturing jobs are not driven offs
Australia faces critical housing timber shortage by 2050: FWPA report
Forest industries welcome trade and market access grants to drive timber and fibre innovation
This election, vote for forest industries to deliver more timber and store more carbon
India interim agreement is fruitful opportunity for Australian growers
Russian war timber has no place in Australian homes
Federal Budget’s forestry initiatives welcomed, but more action needed to address future timber an
Industry welcomes partnership with Vietnam to deliver Ag Visa
Clay amendments improve safety for Vulnerable Road Users
Time to celebrate pulp and paper re-use this Global Recycling Day
Need for Australia to become more self-sufficient highlighted as world’s largest international cer
UN call to ‘end plastic pollution’ positions forest industries as future packaging solution
Forest industries launch election plan to grow vitally needed timber supplies
Hyne Group partnership with UK-based James Jones & Sons comes ahead of exciting times for timbe
Global forests and paper group backs biomass as carbon neutral
Fresh Select’s John Said elected as Australian Fresh Produce Alliance Chair
Forest industries welcome new opportunities to help Australia meet its climate goals
AFPA welcomes Andrew Leighton as new FWPA CEO
Isolation rules creating shortages in Australia’s food supply chains
Industry welcomes $87.2M investment to implement Ag Visa
Funding for Ombudsman key to levelling horticulture industry playing field
AFPA welcomes new AFCA General Manager, Carlie Porteous
More timber plantations can help get Australia to net-zero by 2050, new study shows
Farm forestry can deliver benefits for farmers, battle climate change and help with timber short
Urgent action needed to save Christmas lunch, as supermarkets warn of food shortages if essential ti