Latest AFPA News | Page 6

Andrews Government must urgently intervene to save timber towns and jobs
Tasmanian government paves way for mechanical fuel reduction to tackle Australian bushfires
AFPA CEO Ross Hampton’s ABC Op-ed on bushfire prevention
Australians identify lack of hazard reduction as main reason for bushfires
A win for Tasmanian forestry workers’ right to a safe workplace
Hazard reduction named in national bushfire Royal Commission terms of reference
Forestry contractors put their case for support to Federal MPs in parliament
Forest industries back R&D to help reach government $100 billion target
Forest industries welcome Minister Littleproud back to Agriculture portfolio
Royal Commission into bushfires must look at mechanical fuel reduction to complement prescribed burns
Premier Andrews needs to URGENTLY EXPLAIN APPARENT changes to timber plan
A NEW Minister for Agriculture MUST STRIVE to EQUAL Bridget MCKENZIE’S passion for Forestry
New report makes case for mechanical fuel reduction in national bushfire strategy
Pm flags hazard reduction focus for Royal commission, which must include mechanical fuel removal
Local solutions needed for waste export ban
Forest thinning can reduce bushfire risk – academics
Former Victorian labor Premier John Brumby supports national royal commission
Support welcome for forestry businesses
Support for bushfire royal commission
Forestry “hi Viz heroes” a vital part of regional Australia
North coast NSW koalas need a strong forest industry if They are to prosper
Fire fighting assets should be focused on saving livelihoods after lives
ABC rn places regional communities and blue-collar jobs a distant second
WWF UK builds new headquarters with native forest timbers whilst WWF Australia says ban native timbers…go figure
Andrews Government refusing to discuss job destroying timber plan
South West Slopes forest industry Hub launch a boost for NSW
WTO recommendation supports level playing field
Forest industry welcomes new department Secretary
Timber Framing – Ultimate Renewable
Littleproud gives strong support for Victorian forest industry
New AFPA board ready for new challenges
Fitzgibbon backs Victoria’s sustainable native forest industries
Rally confirms Opposition promise to overturn decision to shut down native forestry – upper House inquiry to be launched
Don’t do it Dan – don’t destroy Victoria’s timber industry
AFPA and AFCA congratulate NSW Government on passage of its right to farm Bill
AFPA welcomes Tas Government commitment to protecting Workplaces
Andrews Government to decimate Victoria’s sustainable native forestry
Time is right to reform secondary boycott law to stop environmental activists
Delegation to Japan building greater ties to grow Australian forest industries
AFPA and AFCA welcome NSW Government proposed complimentary legislation supporting Federal Government’s greater protection for forest industries under tough new…
Ultimate Renewable campaign positively changing opinions about forest industries
Statement on passing of Glenn Britton
AFPA welcomes greater protection for forest industries in tough new ‘farm invasion’ laws
Australia’s forest industries to play critical firefighting role this summer
AFPA welcomes Yvette Nash, new ForestWorks General Manager
IPCC report backs sustainable forest industries to help tackle climate change
National Forestry Planting Day recognises Australia’s most renewable industries