Latest algorithm News | Page 5

New, nanoscale, 3D structure to control light
Physical systems perform machine-learning computations
David Williamson Receives 2022 Steele Prize from American Mathematical Society
Novel flight style that helps smallest beetles to excel
How data can help prevent overdiagnosis
Consistent asteroid showers rock previous thinking on Mars craters
‘Black box gaslighting’ challenges social-media algorithm accountability
Algorithm helps robots avoid obstacles in their path
Slow and steady TurtleBot wins robotic race
Solving ‘big problems’ via algorithms enhanced by 2D materials
Space telescope ushers in new age of astronomy
Machine learning models quantum devices
Automated bunk management tools are up to job
Moth’s virtual reality
Astronomers just got better at finding bright black holes
One algorithm to rule decision-making
Early heat warning system to help save lives in changing climate
Soap bubbles inspires new software making mining more cost-effective
Interview with Jonesy and Amanda, WSFM
X15 launches deal discovery app, Cheddar
New Polymer Detection Method to Turn Tide in Fight Against Water Pollution
Worried about someone’s drug use? Here’s how to help
Can’t find your keys? You need chickadee brain
Efficient light with help of mathematics
Ranking Healthfulness of Foods from First to Worst
Search engine could help researchers scour internet for privacy documents
Reset: YouTube ban on anti-vax content is too little, too late
Algorithms and automation: Making new technology faster and cheaper
Visualizations that intuitively and accurately reflect data
Astronomers find new way to study star formation in galaxies
Organ donation gift of a lifetime for Veronica
Saving time and money via engineering: Manufacturing design
AI unlocks rhythms of ‘deep sleep’