Latest Animal Justice Party News

Progressive Crossbench Welcome Pill Testing
Parliament Update 3 June 2024
Doorstop – AFP Majura Complex, Canberra
‘It’s Note Love, It’s Coercive Control’
Parliament Update 27 March 2024
NSW Becomes First Jurisdiction in the World to Ban Forced Swim Test and Forced Smoke Inhalation Procedure on Rodents
New South Wales first state to ban cruel animal tests
Upper House Begins Debate On Historic Pill Testing Bill
Joint push for pill testing in Victoria gains steam as Parliament returns
Premier Allan’s comments on pill testing ‘cowardly’, and a kick in the guts to young Victorians
Rave overdoses build urgent case for pill testing in Victoria
Animal-Free Science Advocacy Celebrates Funder Decision on Forced Smoking Research
NSW Upper House passed motion in support of Treaty with First Nations people
Pill testing could be reality in Victoria by summer 2024, under historic joint bill
Crossbench calls for Labor to go further on climate change legislation
Sydney pet professionals to offer free advice
Sydneysiders to protest against “Dog Daddy”
Koalas closer to Extinction as Government kicks promised Great Koala National Park down the road
‘I can’t get it out of my mind’: new research reveals the suffering of people whose dogs died after eating 1080 poison baits
With hundreds of call-outs every day, wildlife rescue services can help us understand the threats to our native animals
Short-stays would be regulated to alleviate rental crisis, under Greens bill
Labor blocks inquiry into rental crisis, shows contempt for renters
Party Policies on Koalas Revealed Ahead of NSW Election
Today’s NSW plastic ban will divert 2.7 billion plastic items from oceans
RSPCA NSW welcomes amendments to prevention of cruelty to animals act
Boycott looms for shooters party after striking secret deal with duck banners
Public Sector Election Survey
40 years ago, protesters were celebrated for saving Franklin River
Victoria’s newest political party takes aim at animal extremists
Deputy Premier’s latest attempt to cover up election commitment gaffe
Labor blocks motion to repay $1.35 million stolen from Victorian taxpayers
Dog torturer and petting zoo operator sentenced to 3 years, 2 months for extreme animal abuse
Peter Combe to feature at Glenelg Picnic Party for Our Planet
Laws must change to protect pet owners during South Australia’s rental crisis
Kingston’s Woman of Year award shared
Pawsome news for animals across state
Anthony Pratt tops political donations list
Quarter of all donations from just 10 donors
Labor dragged kicking and screaming to act on farm trespass
Government fights for fishing rights
NSW whales and seabirds beneficiaries of new plastic laws
Crossbenchers’ transparency triumph cuts Premier’s pandemic powers
Humane Research Australia’s new report calls for transition to human-relevant smoke inhalation research
Statement on dog tortured and killed in Sydney