Latest antibiotic resistance News | Page 2

New way to manage antibiotic allergies in Australia
Is leaving dog poo in the street really so bad? The science says it’s even worse than you think
New method reveals bacterial reaction to antibiotics in five minutes
Breakthrough reveals how superbug infects and resists antibiotics
How superbug A. baumannii survives metal stress and antibiotic resistance
New WHO report highlights progress, but also remaining gaps, in ensuring a robust pipeline of antibiotic treatments to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Resistant fungal species spreads
New study reinforces timely need for Pneumococcal Vaccine Switch
New cell-killing toxin discovered in an environmental pathogen
New cell-killing toxin discovered
Member spotlight: Meet Dr Leanne Teoh
Significant step in fight against drug resistance in TB
GP burnout linked to higher opioid and antibiotic prescribing in England
Researchers uncover the first steps driving antibiotic resistance
Sepsis study to power new antibiotic discoveries
Sepsis breakthrough on horizon thanks to $4.9m funding boost
Crocodiles could save us from deadly infections
Climate change is fuelling the rise of superbugs. What can we do to save ourselves?
Christopher Walsh, esteemed Ludwig scientific advisor, passes away at age 79
Common antidepressants can increase antibiotic resistance
New WHO Antibiotic Book addresses oral and dental infections
Major grant awarded to tackle antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic residues in water threat to human health
Working Puzzle: Role of Sulfides in Aerobic/Anaerobic Switching in Bacteria
Bacterium on International Space Station developing drug resistance
Mapping E. coli to overcome antibiotic resistance
Should pharmacists be able to prescribe common medicines like antibiotics for UTIs?
UNSW solar innovator, world-leading oceanographer and molecular tech entrepreneurs awarded Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science
Super bug resistance set to create ‘medical dark ages’ says AMA
Staph spread tracked
Super seven shine light on STEM opportunities
Limiting antibiotics for cows may create new dairy market
Dozens of new innovative projects awarded funding
Dentists forced to prescribe unnecessary antibiotics for toothache in pandemic
Controlling gut flora can reduce mortality in critically ill patients on life support
Free, but at what cost?
Honey has sweet potential for wound healing, argue scientists
Monash researchers win three prestigious Eureka Prizes
We need to change how antibiotics target bugs if we want them to keep working
Common ingredient in household products could be contributing to antibiotic resistance
Health Technology Assessment on Naturopathy is launched
Free public talk – What’s your poison: How do we resist antibiotic resistance?
Dangerous pathogens lurk in wet areas
New findings may reduce risk of infection for patients with urinary catheters
Life-saving Australian discovery helps combat antibiotic resistance
Study identifies kids with cancer at risk of lethal infections
Lack of innovation set to undermine antibiotic performance and health gains
Superbug’s resistance power