Latest ARENA News | Page 8

Roadmap discussion paper a sensible approach
ARENA submission to Investigation into System Strength Frameworks in NEM
Practical approach to emissions abatement acknowledged by farmers
Climate review tools can help strategy, with resources
Supporting resources sector in low-cost emissions reduction
CO2CRC welcomes Federal Government’s technology neutral approach to support emissions reduction
King Review offers new emissions reduction opportunities
Government supporting unique renewable hydrogen and ammonia opportunity
Trialling renewable methane in Australia’s gas pipelines
BP Australia study looks to scale up renewable hydrogen for export
ARENA funding to address emerging system strength challenges
CEFC welcomes launch of new $300 million Advancing Hydrogen Fund
ARENA Statement Responding to Australian National Audit Office
ARENA seeks input on bioenergy roadmap
Fast tracking renewable hydrogen projects
ARENA opens $70 million hydrogen deployment funding round
Growing Australian renewable energy startups
Pumped hydro plant could unlock New England Renewable Energy Zone
Plans for world-first solar power plant in western Victoria
QUT focus on future of green hydrogen exports
Another important step in Australia’s hydrogen journey
New record could usher in new era for solar energy
Driverless electric vehicle to be powered with solar rooftop
Australian Hydrogen Centre gets green light
Federal money to upgrade a coal-fired power station is an insult to bushfire hit communities
Financial derivatives market for renewable generation and grid scale storage
Inquiry into Innovative Solutions in Australia’s Waste Management and Recycling Industries
Primary Frequency Response Requirements Rule Change Consultation Paper
Australian Energy Regulator on DER Integration Expenditure
Post-2025 Market Design Issues Paper
Heating & cooling to go renewable and provide demand response
Report outlines emissions reduction options for industrial process heat users
World-first project to turn biogas from sewage into hydrogen and graphite
$40 million funding for South Australia’s first pumped hydro plant
Energy innovators sought for ARENA’s A-Lab Incubate
ARENA relaunches renewable energy blog ARENAWIRE