Latest Australia Institute News | Page 2

Aged care reforms fall short on quality, safety
Experts and community representatives slam major parties’ salmon policies
Yanis Varoufakis Australian Speaking Tour
Experts and community representatives slam major parties’ salmon policies
Tasmanian logging expansion an environmental tragedy
Stage 3 Tax Changes To Become Law After Passing Senate
Victoria Should Consider Proactive Disclosure to Unclog FOI System
Rex Patrick’s FOI Case Part of Broader Case for Urgent FOI Reform
Dr Joelle Gergis Announced as Writer in Residence at the Australia Institute 2024
Some truths are self-evident: Joe Biden is too old. But who could possibly replace him?
Over 440,000 Additional Western Australians Set for Tax Cut After Stage 3 Changes
Donald Trump faces half a billion dollars of debt and several court cases. But that may not stop him from becoming president again
Offshore gas must not bypass genuine consultation with traditional owners, local community
‘Just get it done’: New research shows Australians back tax on fossil fuel exports
Farmers can be part of solution for housing crisis
Labor ahead in Dunkley, Stage 3 changes a winner with voters
GoZero Group kickstarts GreenSchools1000 initiative with $80m CBA facility
Kooyong, Mackellar and Wentworth voters back Labor’s Stage 3 changes
Fels’ review confirms corporate practices as key drivers of inflation
Council approves more residential blocks
Nationals voters the biggest winners from Stage 3
The Hon Patrick Gorman MP Television interview – Sky News Afternoon Agenda
Federal Intervention Required to Call Out Salmon Industry’s Clearly Unacceptable Impacts on Maugean Skate
Real-time disclosures should replace yearly political donation data dump
High Income Earners, Coalition Voters Among Those Backing Stage 3 Redesign
Ryde’s 2024 Citizens of Year announced
Do we want a wind farm outside our window? What Australians think about the net zero transition
Plastic packaging waste tax could raise billions
PALM visa conditions exploit Pacific partners working in lucrative Australian industries
New report reveals changing face and future of self-employment
Financial incentives to bring lawyers to bush
Thousands more Victorians seek homelessness help for rental stress, evictions
JOINT RELEASE: Democracy groups call on Government to overhaul broken FOI system in line with inquiry report
Qualifications, not religion, should decide who provides pastoral care in public schools
ITF’s Nowhere to Hide Week of Action to be expanded to New Zealand ports as Inspectors stamp out rampant wage theft
Voters trust Labor over Liberals on cost of living: polling
Sweeping Changes Needed to Reduce Influence of Money in Politics: Report
Employers Steal More than 280 Hours from Workers Each Year: Go Home on Time Day Report 2023
Employers steal more than 280 hours from workers each year: Go Home on Time Day report
ITF’s Nowhere to Hide Campaign shines a light on wage theft aboard cargo ships throughout Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania
Inadequate Electoral Reform Leaves Truth and Transparency Behind
New Report Recommends Statewide Tasmanian Marine Authority
Australia Institute Welcomes Walkley Award-Winning Journalist Stephen Long
Government’s ‘dirty favour for Santos’ bill passes with opposition support
70% of Australians want ABC Board member appointments from independent selection process
Two-thirds of Australians back doctors’ call for “health trigger” for coal, gas projects
Independent watchdog essential to combat research misconduct
Tasmanian Salmon Industry: Few Jobs, Less Tax