Latest Australian Automobile Association News

Safety Data Needed To Address Rising Road Deaths
Vehicle tests deliver real-world fuel and emissions results
New vehicle standard to drive significant change to Australia’s carpark
Australia Records Worst Road Toll In More Than Decade
Transport Costs Rise 10% In 12 Months
AAA Welcomes Commonsense Data Transparency Commitment
Bolstering Access To National Road Safety Data
Promise Undelivered As Road Deaths Jump Again
Queensland Government backs road safety data reform to save lives
Hybrids extend lead over BEVs in rapidly evolving car market
US emissions shift highlights need for EV bipartisanship
Government Must End Secrecy On Road Safety Data
Clarity & consensus needed on vehicle efficiency standard
2023 Transport Costs Rise Was Triple CPI Rate
New tests identify real-world fuel consumption gaps
Governments must respond to road toll increase
More detail needed on proposed Vehicle Efficiency Standards
Data failings prevent e-scooter safety analysis
Commonwealth must tackle road deaths surge
BEVS take bigger share of volatile car market
Think you’re good at multi-tasking? Here’s how your brain compensates – and how this changes with age
NSW South Coast needs data to curb road deaths
Kerbside chargers line road to net zero Wollongong
Action, not words, needed from MPs on road safety
Highest road toll in 5.5 years demands government action
Transport affordability plummets as costs outpace inflation
Ministers miss opportunity to curb rising road toll
Australia’s doctors back road safety data transparency campaign
Damning report highlights lack of road funding accountability
Real-World Testing delivering for motorists
Results in on testing fuel consumption in real world
Road deaths surge means Government must prioritise data transparency
Hybrid car sales surge in third quarter
Slow politicians must release secret road safety ratings
Slow politicians must act on road safety data
Real-World Testing is win for motorists
Real-world data to shine a light on vehicle fuel use and emissions
2023 NFP Director Award for Excellence
MPs urged to use data to save lives
Data reporting obstacle to reducing road toll
Motorists shortchanged on excise spend
Data transparency needed to explain road deaths
Transport cost rises ease in June quarter
Release data to help curb road deaths
Acceleration for electric vehicles
Rising road deaths expose data failings
Road deaths continue to rise
Transport cost rises outpacing inflation