Latest Australian Chamber News | Page 8

Australian Chamber welcomes Labor small business policy
More co-ordinated approach to population planning is welcome
Employment services reform rightly focuses on jobs seekers and employers
Economic own goal: evidence does not justify Government cuts to migration
Business conditions remain positive, but mood is turning
ACTU’s ‘living wage’ would breach international law
Focus on working holidaymakers welcome
Australia must maintain a balanced, independently set minimum wage
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) is now open and here to assist small businesses
Australia’s temporary skilled visa system no longer fit for purpose and must be fixed
Sound Budget action needed after disappointing GDP increase
Labor call for living wage sends a shiver down spine of small business
Big Unions’ wish list a clear and present danger to Australian living standards
Opportunities for business and jobs open up with Australia-Indonesia Deal
Work Health & Safety laws: on track but more to do
Economic modelling of emissions reduction targets raises concerns
Wage growth welcome, but challenges remain
Unions must respect the Law when they enter work sites
Does the Senate support Small Business – or not?
Vale George Polites AC CMG MBE (1918-2019)
Australian Chamber welcomes Royal Commission report and calls for focus on the future
Australian Chamber-Tourism Chair appointed to Tourism Australia Board
Small Business top of agenda where it belongs
ACTU’s advocacy against Working Holiday Makers ignores the benefits
Australia right to look to the Indian Ocean, as well as Asia-Pacific, to secure our future
Job Vacancies – The Facts
ABCC crucial to maintaining the law and protecting workers and small businesses
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s New Year’s Resolution
COAG Energy Council outcomes better reflect industry concerns – at last
COAG Energy Council outcomes better reflect industry concerns – at last
Improvement in Budget bottom-line welcome
Australian Chamber Welcomes New Employment Report
Building and Construction Commission vital to protecting workers’ interests
Speech | Annual Dinner Address | President Jeremy Johnson
Business Welcomes Closing of Casual Employment Loophole
Australia no longer strike bound – but right to strike alive and well
Australian Chamber welcomes the inclusion of domestic violence leave in national employment standards
A positive first step towards repairing our industrial relations system
Latest apprentice data no cause to celebrate
Business opposes federal energy divestment powers
Vocational Education and Training gets the attention it deserves
New facts expose false claims from big unions on how Australians work
Prime Minister to address Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Annual Dinner
Labor announcement highlights need for national agreement on energy
ACTU playing too casual with the facts
Business concerned about reports of cut to permanent migration intake
Business welcomes positive jobs growth