Latest Australian College News | Page 3

RACGP urges new Medicare item to achieve cost savings and improve patient care access
RACGP backs listing of smoking cessation medicine
RACGP ready to welcome and unite GP training in Queensland
Vaccination, testing, clean air: COVID hasn’t gone away – here’s where Australia needs to do better
ACN urges NSW Government to provide greater support for nurses to solve health workforce shortages
GPs call on Victorian Premier to directly intervene on state’s payroll tax grab after patient impact revealed
Record number of trainee Psychiatrists provide major boost to services
NSW Government continues to engage with GPs on payroll tax
ACN frontline members add their voices to the National Nursing Workforce Strategy
GPs say hundreds of their patients would benefit from access to subsidised children’s health checks
New Street Health Faculty to Focus on the Health of Homeless People
Boosting Medicare subsidies for patients gets results: RACGP
RACGP warns against duplicating health services for people living with disability
2024 Federal Budget must improve access to care for all Australians and fund universal children’s health checks
RACGP welcomes Victorian Government grants for GPs in training to boost general practice
Grants Up For Grabs To Grow Victoria’s Gp Workforce
Nurses stand ready to complement scarce and overworked doctors
Incentives for rural generalists, a welcome initiative to improve workforce
GP workforce to grow thanks to new recruits
GPs welcome new incentives for advanced skills in rural areas
Australia’s national health reforms must improve health equity and prioritise prevention: RACGP
You can now order all kinds of medical tests online. Our research shows this is (mostly) a bad idea
Nurse-led care was vital in Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Appointment of Chief Medical Officer and Chief Psychiatrist
GPs and pathologists raise concerns over plans to remove 7-day delay for all pathology results on My Health Record
New Cleanbill data reflects cost pressures on general practice care: RACGP
Disposable vape imports now banned
GPs and practice teams in flood-affected communities need a helping hand
GPs vital in combating future pandemics
Rural Advanced Skills incentive now open
General practices and other essential health services in flood-affected Queensland must be supported
Women want to see the same health provider during pregnancy, birth and beyond
RACGP: Victoria’s gas transition a positive move for health
RACGP welcomes MYEFO investment to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians
Budget Measures to Progress Disability Agenda in NSW
Study shows why nurses are all too often missing in healthcare leadership with major barriers to career advancement
RACGP calls on Tasmanian Government to develop a mother and baby service for all Tasmania
GP registrar survey shows success of College-led training
RACGP thanks Queensland Premier for her service
Health reform report welcome, but primary care must remain focus for future investment and reform
Public consultation on Rural Generalist Medicine recognition closes next Tuesday
GPs vital to improving National Disability Insurance Scheme
State tax threat to general practice care must be top priority at National Cabinet: RACGP
AMA President advocating for GPs at parliament
Doctors mourn loss of Professor Dennis Pashen
WA doctors and health professionals call for the government to take urgent action on climate change and end fossil fuel expansion to protect health
RACGP calls on Queensland to reduce pressure on hospitals and improve the health of Queenslanders
RACGP backs duty of care bill for climate change harms