Latest Australian Conservation Foundation News

Queensland Coal Mine Fire Avoidable Climate Disaster
Constructive crossbench amendments would make nature laws stronger: ACF
Nuclear energy creates the most dangerous form of radioactive waste. Where does Peter Dutton plan to put it?
No need for nukes: Energy market operator sets out pathway for a renewables-based grid
New Gas Continues To Spell Danger For Reef
No costing, no clear timelines, no easy legal path: deep scepticism over Dutton’s nuclear plan is warranted
Wrong reaction: Coalition’s nuclear dream offers no clarity on technology, cost, timing, or waste
Power Games: Why Nuclear Is Not Right For Australia
ACF Welcomes Illawarra Offshore Wind Zone
Risky business: Australia’s banks and super funds not well prepared for nature risks
A renewable energy transition that doesn’t harm nature? It’s not just possible, it’s essential
Use Expanded Water Trigger To Protect Beetaloo Basin
Bank’s updated climate policy has clear message for big polluters
Jabiluka recognised: long awaited protection for Kakadu site welcome
Independence Of New EPA Is Critical: ACF
Allies for Uluru Statement of Commitment
Eraring Extension: Unnecessary And Backwards
Threatened species have declined 2% a year since 2000. Nature positive? Far from it
Nuclear subs are coming to Australia. Now the Coalition wants reactors, too. We’re not ready for it
Important Changes To Offshore Gas Bill
Two Sides To Budget Coin: Funds For Clean Energy
Gas Strategy Blueprint For Climate Chaos: ACF
Leading marine scientists write to PM: reject new coal and gas to save our coral reefs
‘Set And Forget’ Offsets Are Killing Biodiversity
Wake up Woodside: Investors force climate accountability
Miles Labor Government Locks In 100,000 Jobs For Future
Bipartisan support for Qld’s 2035 emissions target, but LNP votes against pathway to get there
Australia’s long-sought stronger environmental laws just got indefinitely deferred. It’s back to business as usual
Extinction Crisis Demands Full Reform Of Nature Law
Queensland coal mine suspected of emitting a year’s worth of methane in 16 days
Made in Australia energy transformation will benefit climate and workers
Proposed rejection of Toondah Harbour mega marina the right call
Toondah Decision Landmark For Nature And People
Carbon credits no excuse for NSW Government to stall on saving koalas
Broad support for policy push on residential upgrades and clean industry development
Conservationists challenge approval of Qld coal climate disaster
New solar program will benefit Australian communities, nature and manufacturing
Political leaders, cultural figures and Elders urge Tanya Plibersek to reject approval for largest part of Woodside’s Burrup Hub expansion
Changes to offshore gas bill don’t deal with environmental and First Nations concerns
Scientists and experts call for protection of Toondah Harbour
Offshore gas bill raises serious environmental and First Nations concerns
Woodside’s Burrup Hub Climate Bomb In Making
Koalas in crisis: Australia Post and WWF-Australia launch nationwide education drive
Australia dramatically underreporting gas and coal methane emissions
Woodside’s Board Under Pressure
Fossil fuel companies must be held to account as reef suffers fifth mass bleaching event in a decade
Majority of Australians would rather live near wind and solar than nuclear and coal
Woodside Still Ignoring Community And Climate Science