Latest Australian Council of Social Service News | Page 8

80 per cent of disadvantaged families are not adequately nourished
Minimum wage rise will strengthen economy and reduce poverty: So would an increase in Newstart Allowance
Australian Climate Roundtable renews its commitment to successful action on climate change
ACOSS welcomes Morrison Government Ministry congratulating Minister Wyatt on historic appointment
ACOSS Statement on Election of Coalition Government
ACOSS tribute to Bob Hawke
Community groups condemn mock rent increase notices and negative gearing scare tactics
Housing affordability crisis needs a comprehensive solution, not just a lick of paint
Opposition’s costings show closing high-end tax shelters will help restore services
State Government to fund energy consumer advocacy activities
CWA backs calls to Raise Rate of Newstart
Election 2019: Big Tax Cuts mean Big Change, how will our Future be funded?
Bipartisan commitment to housing funding needed to secure future of remote communities
Commitments on childcare and dental are essential services community needs, and wants
Polling shows widespread concerns about tax cuts and support for increase to Newstart
ACOSS launches tax policy to underpin strong future for services and income support
Federal Election 2019: What is contest country needs?
Statement on Cashless Debit legislation
ACOSS welcomes Labor’s commitment to funding services over high-end tax cuts but people on Newstart again left behind
Delaying Land Tax Cut ‘Common Sense’: Think Tank
Government turns its back on people who have least, and guarantees more cuts to essential services
ACOSS welcomes Labor climate action plan but calls for greater focus on equity
Analysis – Bringing forward government’s tax cuts in budget would worsen inequality
Morrison Government excludes people on lowest incomes from one-off energy payment
Who’s afraid of advocacy?
Townsville City Council endorses increase to Newstart and ACOSS calls on federal politicians to follow suit
Fill gaps in our health system through smarter, fairer investment and tackling inequalities
ACOSS responds to Labor’s living wage policy, calling for it to be partnered with an increase to Newstart
7 out of 10 Tasmanians living outside Hobart believe Newstart should be increased
National Congress, APO NT, ACOSS, NTCOSS and Human Rights Law Centre respond to Government plan to force cashless debit card…
ACOSS welcomes commitment to overdue reform of Employment Services (jobactive) but warns against over-reliance on automation and digital platforms
Universal dental care more important, less expensive, than tax cuts
Not time for more tax cuts: time to boost Newstart and minimum wages
Energy efficiency not new coal
Government’s climate policy failing people on low-incomes
Australian Council of Social Service urges action on Royal Commission