Latest Australian Industry Group News | Page 5

Federal Budget must deliver National Energy Transition Authority, says ACTU
Safeguard deal is well balanced, for now
SA budget needs to make early AUKUS investment
Ai Group congratulates NSW Labor on election Victory
Safeguard Mechanism It’s time for workable agreement
Infrastructure Australia Ai Group supports changes to structure and operations of IA
Productivity Commission Report Ai Group Comment
Gas plan needed to avoid blackouts, factory closures and household hardship
Australia announces world first responsible AI Network to uplift industry
AUKUS Submarine agreement a massive boost for national security and domestic capability
US, UK, Australian Aerospace & Defense Organizations: Leverage Industry to Unleash AUKUS Potential
Significant changes to paid parental leave
Interest Rate Decision: Ai Group Comment
Big step for big Latrobe Valley project, some issues still to resolve
National Accounts Ai Group Comment
Industry treads water in February after difficult new year
AEMO Update Ai Group Comment
Ai Group to breathe new life into digital transformation tool for SMEs
Pathway for Australian Industry to limit warming and work towards net zero
Potential derailing of Safeguard Mechanism history repeats
Ai Group looks towards an innovative, networked and adaptable National Reconstruction Fund
New FWC President Ai Group comment
RBA interest rate decision Ai Group Comment
Ai Group maps a pathway for value-adding Australia’s critical minerals
Budget should back productive capacity expansion; support monetary policy to avoid price-wage spiral
Safeguard Bill is as critical to all parties as to industry
CPI inflation data: Ai Group comment
AWU backs calls for carbon tariff to protect local industry
Safeguard work in progress but heading in right direction
Next steps to safeguard Australian industry and regions in net zero global economy
NSW emissions target will require whole-economy effort
Review into NSW Gas and Electrical Act Ai Group comment
Ai Group congratulates Kevin Rudd and Heather Ridout on US appointments
Appointment of Australian Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Consul-General
Appointment of Australian Ambassadors, High Commissioners & Consul-General
Senator Wong’s China visit could not have come at better time for industry
Gas Caps Law: Imperfect, Late, Necessary
Statement on energy price intervention legislation
Energy deal messy but good for users
Energy prices: failure to act is not option
Defence Industry Security Program Inquiry hearing
Jobs and Skills Australia Ai Group welcomes interim Director
Passage of disappointing IR Bill delivers nothing for economy, productivity or employment growth
Amended IR Bill remains far from clear
Australian PMI: Demand drags down manufacturing in November
Safeguard Mechanism Crediting Bill introduced to Parliament
Respect at Work Bill addresses unacceptably high rates of sexual harassment
Ai Group congratulates Andrews Government on its election victory