Latest Australian Retailers Association News | Page 2

Shoppers set to splash out $9 billion in festive finale
Support small WA businesses this Christmas
Employer groups slam Government actions which will hit Australians with cost-of-living increases
Statement from Australian Retailers Association on Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Pricing
Government and crossbench respond to industry calls to split contentious workplace relations bill
Retailers welcome December cash rate reprieve
New laws for juvenile knife sale ban introduced to Parliament
ARA welcomes WGEA Scorecard to drive Gender Equality in Retail
Retailers call for more time, consultation on rushed workplace relations reforms
October retail sales up 1.2% year-on-year as discretionary categories continue to slow
Government is trying to rush hundreds of IR amendments through Parliament with no consultation
Joint statement – Government is trying to rush hundreds of IR amendments through Parliament with no consultation
Black Friday weekend to make up more than a quarter of holiday purchases – hitting $6.36bn
Retailers welcome suite of resilience measures for SMBs
Protect Workers from Customer Assaults
Retailers welcome outcomes of National Environment Ministers’ meeting
Employers and employees join forces to address rising customer violence in retail
Retailers support Crossbench bid to split controversial IR Bill
Value on Christmas list, with average Christmas gifting spend projections down
Cash rate increase ‘significant blow’ for retailers
Retailers support Crossbench bid to split controversial IR Bill 
New laws to restrict the sale of knives and replica gel blasters to juveniles to enhance community safety
Working together to reduce crime in retail
Black Friday sales tipped to buck Christmas slowdown trend
Customer education key as Victorian container deposit scheme rolls out 1 November
September retail sales up 2.0% year-on-year, but Christmas spending uncertainty remains
‘Tis the season to rally behind SMB retailers amid mounting pressures
Parties and pumpkins take centre stage for Halloween
ARA supports ten-year plan to remove barriers for women’s economic equality
New research: 91% of Australian & New Zealand retailers investing in generative AI
ARA partners with Australian Human Rights Commission to deliver vital course 
Pre-Christmas spending forecast to tread water as uncertainty looms for discretionary retailers
Retailers welcome fourth consecutive interest rate pause
ARA urges NSW Government to retain Anzac Day trading hours 
Retail vacancies decline year-on-year as retailers feel financial pinch 
August retail sales show modest growth, driven by food
Retailers urge deregulation of trading hours to be nationally consistent, customer-friendly
Cost-of-living shoplifting surge: Aussies pushed to the limit
Halloween hits sweet spot with Aussies – $490 million boost predicted 
Retailers welcome NSW Budget cost of living measures, call for small business support
Australia’s largest retail peak body launches campaign ahead of referendum
Protecting Retail Staff: Australian Retail Association CEO Addresses Rising Retail Crime
Heavy mental health toll for retail sector as challenges intensify
Retailers applaud Senate move to delay controversial workplace relations Bill
Australian Retailers Association partners with NRF’s Retail Big Show Asia Pacific
Retailers welcome third consecutive interest rate pause
Workplace relations Bill creates more problems than solutions
Retailers support next phase of plastics bans from 1 September