Latest Berejiklian News

Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – ABC Sydney Mornings
I will miss this place. I will miss the people and I will miss the communities of the Northern Tablelands
New partnership agreement to close gap in NSW
Federal Court says native forest logging while deemed technically lawful in NSW is political
Tim Flannery’s message to all: rise up and become a climate leader – be the change we need so desperately
ICAC finds former premier and then member for Wagga Wagga corrupt
Councils Congratulate new Government
Greens Announce Plan to Regulate Short Term Holiday Letting
UniSA and Optus appoint new Chair of Cyber Security and Data Science
The Labor opposition need more than a press announcement to address the NSW housing affordability crisis
NSW Parliamentary to be translated into Auslan, in groundbreaking first steps towards accessibility for Deaf community
TV interview – ABC Insiders
Summit must terminate Perrottet’s industrial strategy
ABC winners and finalists honoured at NSW Kennedy Awards
Budget boost for NSW bushfire inquiry
ICAC commissioner slams kangaroo court claims as ‘deeply offensive’
‘Public hearings expose corruption’: legal experts back federal ICAC as Scott Morrison ditches promise
MPs contradict Morrison on federal ICAC
Prime Minister – Transcript – Press Conference – Rydalmere, NSW
They’ll build dam at gates of hell before we get one in NSW
Coalition blocks debate on tougher corruption watchdog
Coalition has time for integrity bill: PM
Optus appoints Gladys Berejiklian to its Executive Team in new role as Managing Director, Enterprise, Business and Institutional
Press Conference Penshurst, NSW
Maybe Prime Minister doesn’t actually want to win?
Morrison’s rant against ICAC needs good fact-check
Prime minister’s attack on NSW ICAC is wholly unjustified
It’s time to tackle pork-barrelling, not factor it in
Wollondilly Council wins national award for Fire Truck Memorial Playground
Federal watchdog proposal ‘sham’, intended to protect parliamentarians
Governor-General visits ANSTO
Two-thirds of voters back federal corruption watchdog with stronger powers
Serious questions, much at stake as ICAC probes Berejiklian’s assertions
Grattan on Friday: Morrison government faces battle over integrity commission it doesn’t really want
Strong federal integrity commission requires public hearings
ICAC facing pressure to curb its powers
‘Weakest watchdog’: Report slams Morrison plan for integrity commission
‘Very silly’ for Barnaby Joyce to compare NSW Icac to Spanish Inquisition, former senior judge says
Liberals to ‘hasten slowly’ on federal ICAC after Berejiklian’s fall
Legal expert backs ICAC after criticism over timing of Berejiklian probe
Statement by AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid: Health advice critical to recovery plans
Dr Chants Covid advice ignored warns Doctors
Dominic Perrottet statement
Guild congratulates Dominic Perrottet on appointment as Premier
Greens to force debate on National Integrity Commission Bill
Employers welcome incoming Premier Perrottet
Statement from NSW Liberal Party President, Hon Philip Ruddock AO