Latest biology News

Future career possibilities warm up at annual JCU Winter School
Debris hotspots map predicts dangers for threatened marine life
Technology To Protect Baby Corals
“On-demand” coral spawning a gamechanger, speeding critical research
Percivals 2024 Launches, Winners Announced
Surprising link between ancient biology and restricted human hair growth found
House of the Dragon: if dragons were real, how might fire-breathing work?
Island Whale Festival – By Amelie Gully
Are Plants Intelligent? It Depends On Definition
Scar formation after spinal cord injury is more complex than previously thought
Animal Empathy Differs Among Men
Key To Improving Cancer Treatments Discovered
Findings Reveals Gut Microbes’ Arsenal Against Pathogens
Art a vehicle for Cultural identity in NSW education reform
JJP Biologics Announces Positive Decision to Execute a First-in-Human Clinical Trial of Anti-Inflammatory mAb JJP-1212 (anti-CD89)
Center for Infectious Medicine acquires new technology that can lead to ground-breaking discoveries
Gene could unlock big wheat yields for a growing population
Silent Species Face Extinction
Prestigious Lalor Foundation Fellowship Awarded
Genetics Provide Key To Fight Crown-of-thorns Starfish
First Prize For Outstanding Science Communication
Distinguished leadership and service: reproductive biology
‘What is a fact?’ A humanities class prepares STEM students to be better scientists
Genetics and immune function intersect in inflammatory bowel disease 
Research Shows Baby Bird Development Harmed By Sound Of Cars
Scientists unveil genetics behind development of gliding
New insights into the molecular mechanisms behind the action of secretagogin
KI researcher Roman Zubarev awarded The Berzelius Medal in Gold
New study uncovers key players in gene silencing, providing fresh insights into plant growth and human diseases
In Life Cycle Diagrams, Small Changes Make a Big Difference
Gunnar Bjursell awarded for his research on the importance of culture
Modern Mapping At Mawson 17 April 2024
Cancer Research KI network support translational collaboration in molecular mechanisms at Schulte lab
Endometriosis Research Gets Double Funding Boost
BioRhythm For Senses
Giving Symbiosis Back To Brassicas
Everyday social interactions predict language development in infants
Growing quickly helped the earliest dinosaurs and other ancient reptiles flourish in the aftermath of mass extinction
Exploring Research Spaces and Cultural Exchange: Insights from a Karolinska Institutet Visit
TikTok health hacks promising to change the taste and smell of female genitals are more sour than sweet
New rapid method to predict effects of conservation actions on complex ecosystems
Wild Bird Gestures “after You”
Farming for food, community and environment
Student club iGEM TokyoTech seeks crowdfunding with goal to win international competition
Shift Work Causes Out Of Sync Breastmilk Hormone
Shift work may cause out of sync breastmilk hormones
The University of Manchester bags honour at annual Bionow Awards
StratNeuro Announces New Technology Grant