Latest Business Council of Australia News

Australian Prime Minister Press conference – Parliament House, Canberra
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – ABC Sydney Drive
Long-term 2050 Roadmap Needed Alongside Nuclear Debate
Australia-China CEO Roundtable Statement
7th Australia-China CEO Roundtable
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – ABC Perth Breakfast
Australia-China CEO Roundtable In Perth
China’s premier is about to visit Australia for the first time in 7 years – what can we expect?
Upcoming Australia-China CEO Roundtable to focus on stronger economic and trade ties
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – ABC News Radio
Australian Prime Minister Press conference – Parliament House, Canberra
Australian Prime Minister Press Conference 10 June
Climate trigger will make it harder for renewable approvals in Nature Positive reform
Changes to payment times reporting to support small businesses
Business Concerned By Nature Positive Legislation
Disability Employment Reforms
Rio Tinto Australia CEO Kellie Parker joins BCA Board as BHP CEO Mike Henry steps down
Business Council of Australia call on more certainty for offshore approvals
Bran Black interview with Michael Rowland, ABC News Breakfast, ABC News
Budget takes positive steps on competitiveness with more to do
Future Gas Strategy shows stable and secure pathway to achieving net zero
Addressing Australia’s Skills Gap National Priority
New BCA committee chair highlights importance of AI for Australia’s future
Business Council of Australia signs memorandum of understanding with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Foreign Investment Changes Are Step In Right Direction
Business, finance and both retail and institutional investors in Australia align to support climate-related disclosures
Opinion piece: Labor’s making merger law fit for a modern economy
Environmental law reform needs to improve outcomes and not risk future investment
Competitive settings must be central to Government’s IRA response
Made in Australia energy transformation will benefit climate and workers
Merger reform achieves a balance of economic and regulatory needs with further consultation required
IAG Appoints Robert Cutler As Group General Counsel
New climate financial reporting standards will provide more certainty to investment
New solar program will benefit Australian communities, nature and manufacturing
New body to provide important co-ordination role in transition to net zero
Greens Bill Will Make Cost-of-living Crisis Worse
Paid parental leave changes to better support female workforce participation and economic growth
Treasurer’s Productivity Commission review is a step in the right direction
The Government’s decision to remove “nuisance” tariffs is a win for businesses and consumers
Business Council of Australia welcomes superannuation contributions on paid parental leave scheme
The Government must address low productivity as National Accounts show economy going backwards in per capita terms
Stronger ASEAN business engagement critical to Australia’s future economic prosperity
Business welcomes average decline in gender pay gap, but there is much more to be done
BCA urges Government to reclaim Australia’s competitiveness in 2024-25 budget
Climate related financial disclosures must align with international standards
The Australian Universities Accord offers a unique opportunity to reshape the higher education sector
Jobsupport Awards Ceremony
BCA calls for new national fund to drive better services and outcomes for businesses and consumers