Latest cancer council News | Page 3

Construction begins on WA’s first children’s hospice: Boodja Mia/Sandcastles
Key health leaders launch Rethink Sugary Drink alliance position statement
Finding support and community at Relay for Life: Rebecca’s story
Chris’s message to others: “Screening can save your life.”
The year Sebastian got cancer was also the best year of his life
Rob’s Shedding some light on rare cancer
Novel treatment for brain cancer in children
Digital campaign to get people moving more and feeling great
Townsville lit up for good causes throughout February
New funding fuels ground-breaking research into facial reconstruction methods for cancer patients
Lab-grown tumours predict treatment outcomes in landmark study
Ovarian cancer champion urging women to know symptoms
New research reveals nicotine addiction and vaping quit attempts are on the rise among young adults
How we are working with Lifeblood to tackle cancer together
How blood donors helped Kirsty defy the odds of childhood leukaemia
5 reasons you should donate blood
All.Can Australia marks World Cancer Day with new, united voices
Working in partnership to help people across NSW’s greatest expanses  
Cancer Council WA Introduces Recite Me Accessibility Tools Online
Breaking Australia’s suntanning obsession
Two recipients named Citizen of the Year at Orange Australia Day celebrations
Deputy Mayor calls time on Council career
Rottnest Island’s golfing challenge raises over $38,000
Helping West Australians beyond treatment with our Wellbeing After Cancer program
Seven things you should know about HPV
Nutrition tips for people with cancer
From melanoma survivor to skin cancer advocate – Nicole’s story
Women’s prisons in Perth to go smoke-free
High price WA communities are paying for cheap alcohol
Stand up to cancer
Young teacher shares his cancer story to educate students about sun safety
Cancer Research Giving Day hoping to raise $350,000
How Danica found support through the phone after being wrongly diagnosed just before Christmas  
New ASSAD data show vaping increasing rapidly and concerning rise in smoking susceptibility among 12-17 year olds
New health mapping study pinpoints cancer risk factors at local level
Tackling Tobacco in Remote NSW: our work with the Royal Flying Doctors Service
New research reveals parent’s vaping and smoking behaviours significantly increase their children’s risk in taking up the habit
Cancer Council welcomes ban on engineered stone products, protecting the lungs of thousands of Australian workers
How to spot skin cancer
Monica’s message about skin cancer: It doesn’t discriminate, I wish more people would Slip, Slop, Slap
Even small amounts of physical activity could be valuable in late-stage lung cancer
Acting on vaping and tobacco use: Translating research into policy to save lives
John’s legacy: extraordinary life and extraordinary gift
Complementary therapy services expand to Albany
Five healthy recipes to make with kids this Christmas
Clearing the Air: Implementing a Smoke Free Model By-Law in an Apartment Complex
New Cancer Council Oncology Nurse for Alice Springs