Latest cardiovascular News | Page 32

A cup of Joe and you’re good to go (Under 6 a day and you’re A-OK)
Australia bucks global trend; city dwellers getting fatter faster
Sugary drinks link to blood vessel damage and heart disease
Beetroot juice a bloody good boost for arteries
Researchers uncover mechanism blocking retina regeneration
ACT to become a world-leader in preventing heart disease
KPS Capital Partners To Acquire Brunswick Corporation’s Fitness Business
Australia and China pool research strengths in point-of-care diagnostics
ANU research to help prevent heart attacks and strokes
Halt Salt: Australia’s first salt reduction guide for food manufacturers launched
Heart Foundation welcomes Opposition putting prevention first
Culture must be at heart of hospital care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
Fat cell discovery could help combat obesity-related health issues
Heart study takes on on breast cancer’s double jeopardy
Protein found to improve prediction of cardiovascular disease
Almost 13 million Aussies risk heart disease: new data
Evenings with Genetics event focuses on Williams syndrome
Indulging at Easter without guilt
Health system needs climate-change proofing
UQ rocketeers rocketing ahead
Mallinckrodt’s INOmax Gas, for Inhalation
Genetic Risk for Cardiovascular Health is Not Necessarily Linked to Exceptional Longevity
Some positive announcements for chronic disease
Lipidome Study Shows Link to Longer Lifespan
Memorial for hearts lost to heart disease
New Curtin trial shows increased physical activity in retirement villages
Reducing smoking rates to 10% by 2025 could prevent almost 100,000 lung cancer deaths
A further $4 million for heart disease and stroke
$4 million to tackle Australia’s biggest killers
Diabetes Australia appoints new leader for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Budget to battle stroke and heart disease burden
World-first stem cell therapy trial
SA lifts lid on better sleep worldwide
ECG app and irregular rhythm notification on Apple Watch available today across Europe and Hong Kong
New global benchmarks confirm Curtin’s world-class research
Flinders’ world class research performance
Outstanding ERA results for ACU
University of Sydney research shines in ERA results
Design assistance for heart patients
Wilson Foundation partners with Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine to deliver
Landmark study to unpack impact of child maltreatment
Study links breastfeeding with lower risk of heart disease in Australian mums
New report shows economic burden of brain disorders in Australia over $74 billion pa
A major boost for radical stem cell research
Can a virtual assistant keep you healthy?
Early intervention for eating disorders in young people
Brain blood flow and menstrual migraine: is there a link?
Consultation on future of health in South Australia