Latest chronic disease News | Page 2

Why the pathology bulk-billing campaign is more about driving industry profits than saving you money
Caring for older Americans’ teeth and gums is essential, but Medicare generally doesn’t cover that cost
Good news: midlife health is about more than a waist measurement. Here’s why
Biology Of Kindness – Growing Our Better Selves
Nutrition concerns raised as Australians buy below recommended daily intake of core food groups
Got a chronic disease and fear of needles? A prick-free natural alternative is on the horizon
Important health information missing in online food delivery menus
Study finds alcohol ED presentations increasing among older New Zealanders
New Focus For Chronic Liver Disease Care
Six months on, elderly and children trapped sick and hungry in death zone
Popular holistic health approach delivers limited benefits
Sugarcane Extract: Can It Improve Gut, Heart And Mental Health?
Risk prediction using our genes and gut bacteria can improve early detection of diseases like type 2 diabetes
Helping GPs care for patients with osteoporosis
Cleaner air in Swedish cities brings significant health benefits
Nurses welcome introduction of Legislation into Parliament: It’s time to unleash the potential of the entire nursing workforce
How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains the links between toxic stress and poor health − and how to get help
Greens Push To Relieve Food Insecurity
Australia’s leading GP training college strengthens calls for GP workforce boost
RACGP calls for expanded access to meningococcal B and flu vaccinations
PolyU researchers invent non-invasive diagnostic device Smart-CKD for advancing clinical management of chronic kidney disease
Does intermittent fasting have benefits for our brain?
$8 Million Awarded To Predict Genetic Disease Risk
How to fast safely during Ramadan – what the science shows
Miles Government support for innovative Queensland women
New guidelines for early menopause diagnosis and management
RACGP calls for equity for Australia’s women GPs on International Women’s Day
Heart Foundation urges Tasmanian political parties to make strong commitments to tackle heart disease
Documentary Series Showcases Science Of Sleep
The Atlantic diet: how it compares to its Mediterranean counterpart – and what benefits it might have
2024 Federal Budget should fund GP-led living guidelines to make Australia healthier
Low-Cost Liquid Tames Tooth Decay
RACGP offers research grants for practice financial sustainability and GP wellbeing
Measles is one of the deadliest and most contagious infectious diseases – and one of the most easily preventable
One in eight people are now living with obesity
New bans to butt out smoking and vaping in public places
Five-million-dollar boost to translational research Birthing on Country initiatives
Clinical Redesign Improves Follow-up Care
Zinc discovery holds promise for people with cystic fibrosis
New research shows cancer is expected to remain the leading cause of premature death in Australia over next 25 years
Your heart changes in size and shape with exercise – this can lead to heart problems for some athletes and gym rats
New class of care for AV paramedics
Intravenous iron treatment Ferinject® (ferric carboxymaltose) now approved for Australian children aged one to thirteen years living with iron deficiency anaemia
2024 Federal Budget must build Australia’s GP workforce to meet growing patient needs
Hamming it up: What’s the verdict on processed meat?
Heat up your breath during cold weather
Healthy investment in better patient outcomes
Dancing may be better than other exercise for improving mental health