Latest chronic pain News

Long-term prescription opioid use after hospital declining: study
Art, technology, and the wellbeing of First Nations children
More military veterans and active duty service members are dying by suicide than in battle – understanding why can help with prevention
Millions take antidepressants for chronic pain – but there’s little evidence the most commonly prescribed drugs work
Green Light For World-First Medicinal Cannabis Driving Trial
AMA Responds To Lacklustre Federal Budget
Transformative funding for Australian medical research must centre people with a lived experience
Treatment-related pain may be ‘socially contagious’, study finds
Half our colleagues suffer pain and discomfort from periods. But they’re still a taboo subject at work
ABC Four Corners episode shows an unbalanced view of spinal surgical care
Statement On ABC Four Corners Pain Factory Episode
The Australian Society of Anaesthetists responds to ABC Four Corners program
Free Specialist Women’s Health Clinics On Way
Insomnia: Mismatch Between Treatment Demand And Access
Did tightened PBS restrictions on opioid supply reduce their use in Australia?
Council To Host Seniors Festival In Shellharbour
Builder Named For Southside Hydrotherapy Facility
Sunflowers blossom at Service NSW, helping people with hidden disabilities
Whether inserted, ingested or implanted, batteries are a matter of life and death
Nearly 2 million Americans are using kratom yearly, but it is banned in multiple states: A pharmacologist explains the controversy
Expert articles & sources – The catastrophic impacts of medical misogyny
Why are so many Australians taking antidepressants?
New study reveals kill order for melanoma cells by cannabis extract
Kill order for melanoma cells by cannabis extract
New study aims to ease chronic pain for people with Parkinson’s
Victorian Women’s Health Sector Welcomes Allan Government’s Inquiry into Women’s Pain
Pharmacy Guild welcomes Victorian Government Inquiry into Women’s Pain
Gender Pain Gap Revealed – And Women Aren’t Surprised
Add virtual reality to exercise and ease chronic pain
$400,000 for Sporting Precinct scoping works
Research aims to transform haemophilia treatment
Brain-machine interfaces… coming soon to a cerebrum near you
Research study into medicinal cannabis calling for patients suffering pain of fibromyalgia
No evidence found that cannabis reduces long term opioid use
UQ researchers address health challenges with NHMRC grants
“Golden Oldies” offer perfect antidote to loneliness
Mater Private Hospital Bundaberg addresses region’s geriatrician gap
Funding boost to support wellbeing of Queensland’s veterans
UQ researchers in running for prestigious award
Online treatment can reduce effects of chronic pain: study
National study to investigate risk factors for back and neck pain
Veterans’ reintegration with civilian life
What is cognitive functional therapy? How can it reduce low back pain and get you moving?
Jump in and have your say on southside hydrotherapy pool
Competitor tackles her fears
Transcranial magnetic stimulation can treat depression. Developing research suggests it could also help autism, ADHD and OCD
Global medicinal cannabis study launches next phase in Australia
Patient groups call on Government to pause to 60-day dispensing rollout