Latest Commonwealth News | Page 5

Dietitians Are Not Immune To ‘placement Poverty’
Unlocking Better Access To Disaster Essentials
Reliable Renewables plan boosting energy supply in Victoria and Tasmania
WA’s budget surplus underpinned by a strong resources sector…again
Major Peel Healthcare Projects Approach Key Milestones
$37 million to attract blockbuster events and promote WA
State Budget delivers for job-creating transport infrastructure
$1.1 billion Budget boost to housing supply and affordability
Record $3.2 billion investment in WA’s health and mental health
There’s No Excuse For Abuse
Heart Health Yarning Tool: new resource for shared decision-making
Australian Prime Minister Press Conference – Melbourne 9 May
NSW Government swiftly responds to confirmation of white spot in wild-caught school prawns
Future Gas Strategy shows stable and secure pathway to achieving net zero
Notice of intention to make a decision on a facility licence
Dr Zoran Bolevich Appointed To Lead AIHW
CBA remains well positioned to provide on-going support for customers
New federal approval for giant WA gas project will release 3 billion tonnes of emissions
Strengthening Communities In Parkes Electorate
Senate report on lobbying passes the buck on improving transparency or legislation
Remembering Heroism 82 Years On
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – 6PR Mornings
ICAC rural and regional outreach program to visit Riverina
New study sheds light on optimising home care support for older people with health care needs
Investing In Better Future For WA
Why $3 Billion HECS Wipe Will Make Real Difference
NSW Government welcomes investment in construction skills sector
First Nations imprisonment is already at a record high. Unless government policy changes, it will only get worse
Coalition demands amendments to government’s deportation bill, as crucial High Court judgement set for Friday
Foundation Housing launch of report: Reimagining the role of lodging in ending homelessness
Victorian Budget a small step towards meeting Victoria’s mining potential, but high taxes still stifling growth and investment
Budget delivers small wins for housing but much more needed to ease crisis
Zero support for Labor’s attack on people seeking asylum and diaspora communities
Early Years Strategy Launch
Sensible Decisions To Deliver Stronger Economy
Improving Road Safety Across Tasmania
Radio Interview – ABC RN Breakfast 7 May
Investing In Better Future For ACT
Critical minerals exploration gets a boost with largest open survey data ever released in NSW
Queensland Banks On CBA
Crisis of faith: why Australian women have so little trust in religious institutions
Statement On Commonwealth Prac Payment
Pharmacy should be included in new Commonwealth Prac Payment
Helping People To Get Great Local Jobs Across Victoria
Australian Prime Minister Press Conference – Canberra
Major investment in housing stock to support those most in need
Greens and Students Against Placement Poverty say Labor’s plan to address placement poverty is totally inadequate
Students Better Off Under Paid Placements