Latest consultation paper News | Page 4

Strengthening Victoria’s Bill-Busting VEU Program
Views sought on coordination of research funds
Consultation on Australia’s first National Health and Climate Strategy
Reserve Bank considers eligibility changes for its settlement accounts
Modernising Australia’s Payment System
You can have your say on Olympic and Paralympic survey 2 June
You can have your say on Olympic and Paralympic survey
Next steps in planning for Games Legacy
Setting, Tracking and Achieving Australia’s Climate Targets – Consultation launch
Ai Group opposes criminal penalties for the underpayment of wages
Amendments commence for Queensland’s Environmental Protection Act, and more on the way for the Planning Act
What does the Future Direction of Apprenticeship Support Services look like?
Consultation on surveillance reforms for Queenslanders
Kicking the gas can down the road: why a gas price cap is the worst way to protect energy consumers
Workplace consultations raise concerns
Setting apprentices up to succeed
New code of conduct to secure more gas at reasonable prices for Australians
Risk-Weights for Business Growth Fund released
The Last Parliament Let Down People of Faith, This Parliament Must Do Better
Consultation commences on AML/CTF reforms
Regulatory changes for medical device clinical trials not needed
Consultation on major reform of Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws
CEFC commits $40 million green finance to get more Australians into EVs
New U.S. EV rules a “wake-up call” for Australia: Greenpeace
Online liquor sales and delivery consultation begins
Feedback sought on guidance for managing climate-related risks – Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua
ASIC consults on remaking ‘sunsetting’ class orders on IDPS and IDPS-like schemes
AFCA opens consultation on proposed Rules changes
Review of secrecy provisions – consultation paper released
ASIC consults on ‘sunsetting’ class orders on changing responsible entities and equal treatment
Reforming WA’s disability legislation – have your say
Don’t cut the ACDC budget, Public Health community recommends
Review of the Regulatory Framework for managed investment schemes
What has been achieved? ADA advocacy update for 2022
ASIC consults on ‘sunsetting’ class orders about financial requirements
AusBiotech to propose overhaul of TGA funding
ACCC publishes submissions on proposed variation to future NBN regulation
Cost model consultation paper released
Consultation begins on legislating objective of super
The FMA opens consultation on draft guidance for the intermediated distribution of financial products
Business Benchmark on Animal Welfare has no place in Australia
Electric Vehicle Council – ESB-EVSE Standing Data Register – Consultation Paper
Liquidity Policy Review seeks feedback on significant policy issues – Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua
Proposed mandatory code needs rethink to reduce gas prices and avoid shortfalls
Making crypto safer for consumers
Proposed reforms to discrimination legislation would make it impossible for Catholic schools to be Catholic
Consultation on draft Family Law Amendment Bill 2023
Connected Exposures policy review receives broad support