Latest coral bleaching News

Less COTS, More Corals
Queensland Coal Mine Fire Avoidable Climate Disaster
Ocean Acidification Turns Fish Off Coral Reefs
Future risk of coral bleaching set to intensify globally
Scientists’ sobering search for places coral might survive
Devastating coral bleaching will be more common, start earlier and last longer unless we cut emissions
New drone imagery reveals 97% of coral dead at a Lizard Island reef after last summer’s mass bleaching
New Gas Continues To Spell Danger For Reef
We have a moral responsibility to help low-income nations restore coral reefs
3D digital twin to enhance understanding of the Great Barrier Reef
The world is watching as Traditional Owners lead the way in Reef protection
Drones offer new perspective on vulnerable tide-exposed coral reefs
Report card shows Great Barrier Reef still has major water pollution problem
Progress towards Great Barrier Reef water quality targets
Drones offer new perspective on vulnerable tide-exposed coral reefs
Promised nature law reform urgently needed so new national EPA not stuck with failed laws
Scientists confirm that WA oceanic reefs avoid mass bleaching
Public Urged To Help Identify Drought-stricken Trees
Budget risks leaving Australia’s oceans and marine life adrift
Gas Strategy Blueprint For Climate Chaos: ACF
Many people are feeling ecological grief. How can we help those whose work puts them at risk?
Leading marine scientists write to PM: reject new coal and gas to save our coral reefs
Fourth Mass Coral Bleaching
It’s time to strike an environmental grand bargain between businesses, governments and conservationists – and stop doing things the hard way
DARING MISSION TO DISCOVER DEEPWATER CORAL ECOSYSTEMS Landmark deep diving expedition uncovers new species in the ‘gin-clear’ Coral Sea
Nicola Thomson: ‘I have made a commitment to doing all I can to build our planet’s resilience’
Championing Traditional Owner co-design for vital reef fish monitoring on the Great Barrier Reef
Robot designed to boost coral regeneration on the Great Barrier Reef 
Going remote to discover how WA’s oceanic reefs have fared this summer
Sound solution for struggling coral reefs: new documentary charts Our Changing Planet
Queensland votes yes for bold 75% cut to climate pollution
Massive science effort seeks to learn from mass bleaching event
Government Environment Reform Backdown Set to Lock In New Fossil Fuels and Extinctions
Global coral bleaching caused by global warming demands a global response
Poll shows Queenslanders support 75% emissions cut target; new bleaching map
Report confirms Great Barrier Reef has suffered worst summer on record
Reef snapshot details widespread coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
Political Action Only Saviour For Great Barrier Reef
Australia has outsized impact on climate & global coral bleaching
Global marine heatwave a stark reminder: President’s statement
Queensland coal mine suspected of emitting a year’s worth of methane in 16 days
Unfolding global bleaching calls for collaboration and solutions
Deep impact: New data shows Great Barrier Reef suffering underwater bushfire on par with Black Summer
The big dry: forests and shrublands are dying in parched Western Australia
‘Worst I’ve seen’: new footage shows Reef bleaching in deeper waters from record marine heatwave 
Deep parts of Great Barrier Reef ‘insulated’ from global warming – for now
Greens call for full transparency of Great Barrier Reef covert mission
Corals Can Bounce Back After Heatwaves