Latest Council of Trade Unions News | Page 3

90-day trials – didn’t work then, won’t work now
Health and Safety News Round-up
ACT Party Pension Reform – Review
Action still required to eliminate the harm caused by engineered stone
Crown appointments to Maritime NZ Board announced
Working for free for seven weeks – The Gender Pay Gap is not closing fast enough
Updated COVID Guidance
Pay transparency announcement win for workers
NZCTU welcomes Commerce Commission’s inquiry into banking sector
Monthly Economic Bulletin 8 August
Unemployment data continues to show stronger economy
Billions missing to deliver National Party promises, says NZCTU
Onya, Australia – time for New Zealand to do more to protect workers
NZCTU welcomes commitment to labour standards within the NZ/EU Free Trade Agreement
New Fair Work Ombudsman
Australian and Global Union Leader Sharan Burrow to Deliver Second Annual Carmichael Lecture
Apprenticeships Taskforce Improving Safety And Fairness At Work
Monthly Economic Bulletin 30 June
ACT’s contractor policy robs workers of fundamental rights
Seafarers on Strike for Seacare Workers’ Compensation
Our GDP data no cause for alarm
Onya, Australia – time for New Zealand to do more to eliminate workplace violence and child labour
Appointment of Net Zero Economy Agency and Advisory Board
Appointment of Net Zero Agency and Advisory Board
Ambitious Green Party plan to lift incomes and end poverty welcomed by unions
Unions Celebrate Hospitality And Security FPAs
Unions back Labour Party Congress policies that support workers
Cambodia: Casino Union Leader Chhim Sithar and Strikers Convicted
National Leader Agrees CTU Numbers Are Right, But Still No Fiscal Plan
National’s Tax Plan Blows Out To $8.2 Billion, Time To Front Up On Spending Cuts
What Budget 2023 means for working people
Children, families, women, and disabled workers are the winners of Budget 2023
NZCTU welcomes early childhood teachers push for a Fair Pay Agreement
Unions gather to remember people killed at work
New data highlights staggering tax gap in New Zealand
Not One More FAQs
Cost of living challenge eases, but continues to fall hardest on low income earners
Urgent action needed to safeguard workers from engineered stone
We need a National Energy Transition Authority to help fossil fuel workers adjust
Reserve Bank should pause before further interest rate increase
2023 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day
Minimum wage increase to make real difference
Appointments to Fair Work Commission
Action on pay transparency cannot wait
Historic moment as first FPA successfully initiated
Progress on public service pay adjustment
GDP Numbers show need for long-term plan for economy