Latest death sentence News

Saving Lives By Banning Engineered Stone
Special Rapporteurs: Scale and cycle of Iraq’s arbitrary executions may be a crime against humanity
Progressive Crossbench Welcome Pill Testing
Australia’s first civilian jury was entirely female. Here’s how ‘juries of matrons’ shaped our legal history
KI president: Strengthen the activities for Ahmadreza Djalali
New MLHD Sexual Health Clinical Nurse Consultant, Chris Bailey-Mills
UN experts demand release of Yahaya Sharif-Aminu: Nigeria
UN experts alarmed by death sentence imposed on peaceful activist, demand moratorium on death penalty: Iran
Lung cancer is the deadliest of all cancers, and screening could save many lives − if more people could access it
UN experts alarmed by death sentence imposed on rapper and songwriter, Toomaj Salehi: Iran
Egypt must halt executions, warn UN experts
Bleaching can hamper reproduction and recovery in corals
Institutional discrimination against women and girls enabled human rights violations and crimes against humanity in the context of recent protests, UN Fact-Finding…
Human Right Committee Opens One Hundred and Fortieth Session in Geneva
EU And Member States Must Sustain Funding To UNRWA
UN experts call on Houthi de facto authorities to halt execution of human rights defender Fatima Al-Arwali: Yemen
Inspector tables damning report on Metropolitan Prison days after death in custody
Suspended death sentence of Dr Yang Hengjun
Australian Prime Minister Doorstop Interview – Canberra
Sentencing of Dr Yang Jun
UN experts horrified by Kenneth Smith’s execution by nitrogen in Alabama: United States
Pioneering melanoma researchers named 2024 Australian of the Year
Australia’s UNRWA Funding Cuts: A Death Sentence for Palestinians in Gaza and Region
Rave overdoses build urgent case for pill testing in Victoria
‘Nowhere to go’ – Over one million children in Gaza at risk of being killed
Pill testing could be reality in Victoria by summer 2024, under historic joint bill
Report reveals human cost of climate inaction
Gaza water supply is just 17 percent of pre-siege levels, despite new fuel announcement
ACT’s strong position on silica a beacon to the nation
CFMEU urges all governments not to shirk responsibility on engineered stone
Caesarstone’s new campaign to protect killer stone is plain evil: union
Greens can’t back invasion of Gaza
Evacuation orders by Israel to hospitals in northern Gaza are a death sentence for the sick and injured
Comment by UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Jeremy Laurence on imminent execution in Viet Nam
Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk after Ghana’s Parliament votes to abolish death penalty
This planet survived a death sentence – and astronomers don’t know how
Regional Queensland urged to arm-up with stroke knowledge
Most Brisbane residents dont recognise key stroke sign
UN experts call for release of disappeared Bahá’ís: Yemen
Third tranche of travel bans on Iranian officials
Queensland Government supports seniors living with HIV to connect with service providers and age positively
UN experts urge Iran to stop “horrific wave” of executions
UN experts appalled by Taliban announcement on capital punishment: Afghanistan
UN experts condemn recent executions, urge moratorium on death penalty: Iran
Boral Sentences for Failing to Protect Workers
Major CFMEU rallies across Australia to hit streets as anger rises
Greens Call for Royal Commission into Murray Darling Basin Management
In Dialogue with Zambia, Experts of the Human Rights Committee Commend the Abolition of the Death Penalty and Measures to Improve Prison…