Latest detention News | Page 3

Real immigration crisis is offshore detention
UN experts call for accountability for Navalny’s death and immediate release of all political prisoners: Russia
End convictions and deplorable detention conditions for human rights defenders, UN experts say: Viet Nam
Police charge men after pursuit at Wagga Wagga
Venezuela Fact-finding Mission expresses profound concern over detention of human rights activist, calls for end to government repression
Syrian returnees subjected to “gross human rights violations and abuses”, UN report details
UN experts: Israel’s alleged undercover killings in occupied West Bank hospital may amount to extrajudicial killings and war crimes
Police charge man after police operation – Ermington
Yuen Pok (Paul) Loo sentenced for forgery and financial markets legislation offences
AFP charges WA immigration detention centre detainee
Giving Police More Power To Crackdown On Crime
Suspended death sentence of Dr Yang Hengjun
One year on, NZ appeals for release of Phillip Mehrtens
Taliban’s arbitrary arrests and detention of women and girls over dress code must end immediately, UN experts say: Afghanistan
Impound facility approval reconfirmed
UN experts condemn killing and silencing of journalists: Gaza
UN expert on the right to food to visit Venezuela
UN expert warns against admission of evidence, allegedly secured through torture, in Jimmy Lai case: Hong Kong SAR
Youth justice system continues to fail young Tasmanians 31 January 2024
UN experts horrified by Kenneth Smith’s execution by nitrogen in Alabama: United States
WA immigration detention centre detainee charged over alleged assault
Proposed SA sentencing laws for sex offences will result in injustice
Work continues to improve youth justice and child safety
Detention of Dr Yang Jun
Police charge man after Macquarie Fields stand-off
Man charged following break and enter investigation – Wauchope
Police charge two after pursuit at Grafton
Townsville’s intensive case managers making difference
Illegal fishers on notice after vessels destroyed, crews detained
UN report says fixing prisons in Australia is the Federal Government’s responsibility and it’s failing to act
Radio interview – ABC Melbourne
Independent Regulator to help keep Tasmanian children and young people safe
Decision in Attorney-General v Benbrika
101 charges during operation targeting crime on public transport – Op Colossus
South Boundary drainage works: Campaspe Shire
AIC releases new annual report on deaths in custody
Community protection board established to keep Australians safe
Department of Justice Director General announces resignation
Illegal street-racers stopped in their tracks
Extraordinary step of preventative detention requires further reflection
Stronger laws to keep Australians safe
Clear pathway to reform Tasmania’s youth justice system
Government working with community sector on youth justice reform
Additional funding for SASS and Laurel House
The case of a persistent bully: from victim to perpetrator
Purpose built youth detention facility to replace Unit 18
Security Council 1970 Sanctions Committee Amends Five Entries on Its Sanctions List
Albanese Government must bring urgent legislation to Parliament after botching detainee case