Latest Ethnic Communities News | Page 3

Caring For Victoria’s Selfless Unpaid Carers
Inspirational community leader, Gail Ker, announces retirement
Time to support our refugee and asylum seeker population
Swim school makes splash with migrant kids
Australian Multicultural Health Collaborative to provide national voice for CALD health
$20 million investment in respite services for senior Australians from diverse backgrounds welcomed
Making New Zealand safer for everyone
Government accepts all Royal Commission recommendations
People with Disability Australia Appoints Interim CEO
2020 Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture
FECCA voices serious concerns about new English language requirements for partner visas
IU EXPANDS its leadership CAPACITY in New Zealand and Australia
Consumer groups outline 10 key points for future of aged care in Australia
Caring for our diverse community
Overcoming cultural difference in end-of-life planning
Program to give life-saving swimming lessons in Logan
CALD patients urged to keep in contact with health care
Fears for culturally and linguistically diverse patients avoiding healthcare due to COVID-19
Acknowledging ethnic community response during COVID-19
COVID-19 outbreak at St. Basil’s Aged Care facility
It’s Our Time: Backing Women To Stand For Council
Thousands on JobSeeker contact their MPs in National Day of Action to Raise Rate for Good
FECCA welcomes new SBS Chair appointment, George Savvides AM
FECCA welcomes appointment of George Savvides as SBS Chair
NEDA and FECCA to deliver NDIS Community Connectors Program to CALD Communities
Delivering NDIS: $20 million expansion of National Community Connector program
Record year for diversity on Govt boards
Multicultural communities express support for Uluru Statement from heart
As coronavirus-racism increases, ACTCOSS and CMCF support Minister’s call for national anti-racism strategy
A statement from civil society organisations on Australia’s migration program
FECCA welcomes Minister’s support for victims of coronavirus-related racism
Community groups call for energy hardship relief package as household energy bills jump
FECCA launches resource encouraging CALD seniors to share ideas for improvement with Aged Care Royal Commission
Standing With Our Doctors And Nurses Against Racism
Multicultural roundtable for engaging small business and community leaders
FECCA welcomes Commonwealth Home Support Program – Sector Support and Development funding extension
FECCA backs calls for establishment of anti-racism strategy and campaign
No place for racism in response to coronavirus
Twilight at MAC, perfect way to round out your week
FECCA expresses condolences at passing of Aged Care Royal Commission chair Richard Tracey
Supporting thriving inclusive communities
Visa appeal backlog unacceptable: FECCA
New report shows economic benefit of improving social inclusion
Hard work of disability advocates rewarded with VISA policy changes
Refreshed Cabinet line-up confirmed
Record levels of women on state sector boards
MasterChef goes shopping in Logan
FECCA welcomes abandonment of plans to make citizenship test stricter