Latest extinction News

Maugean skate still threatened by low oxygen levels in Macquarie Harbour
Targeted Logging In Future National Park
Did inbreeding cause the woolly mammoth’s extinction? Our research suggests it was more sudden than that
Expanding Habitats For Victoria’s Iconic Wildlife
Call For Volunteers On Mapara Baiting Work
Kākāriki Baby Boom Boosts Bird Count
Coal kills koalas: Environment Minister must stop the approvals
Modern human DNA contains bits from all over the Neanderthal genome – except the Y chromosome. What happened?
Safe haven opens for the threatened Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby
Loggers attempting to make park unviable as koala sanctuary
Risky business: Australia’s banks and super funds not well prepared for nature risks
New Tasmanian Tiger Documentary Hunts For Truth
12 threatened species discovered in soon-to-be NSW National Park
On World Environment Day Greens call for Native Forest Logging ban, Climate Trigger for pollution
New fossils show what Australia’s giant prehistoric ‘thunder birds’ looked like – and offer clues about how they died out
Labor’s cave-in on environment will fuel extinction & climate crisis
Australia’s Nature Positive future hangs in the balance
Left For Dead, Greater Gliders Abandoned By EPA
Baffling Problem, Baffling Solution
Rare Parakeet Released On Oruawairua/Blumine Island
ACT Government jumpstarts three new projects to fight for threatened species
Silent Species Face Extinction
MUA joins broad coalition of community groups rallying against SA anti-protest laws
Fossil captures starfish splitting itself in two – showing this has been happening for 155 million years
Budget For Bulldozers Puts Environment & Nature At Risk
Independent and scientific review endorses effectiveness of Kangaroo Management Plan
Greens call for Defence Housing Australia to front up Senate Inquiry following alleged unlawful clearing at Lee Point
Why evolution often favours small animals and other organisms
Polling shows record support for stronger nature protection laws
NSW biodiversity worse than ever, habitat clearing the key driver, says government report
Logging of Koala habitat in Kiwarrak set to commence on Wild Koala Day
Southern New Zealand Dotterels Decline By 19 Per Cent
Mobilising for nature conservation, Government inaction on biodiversity called out
Joint statement of the Alliance for Nature on NSW habitat clearing laws
Partnering to prevent local extinction of threatened marsupial
Kiwarrak betrayed, koala extinction logging to proceed despite unanimous support for flora reserve
We spent 2 years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light
Research project aiming to prevent local extinction of threatened marsupial
Further Environmental Mismanagement On Cards
“Jaws'” Narrowly Escape Local Extinction
Koalas dying as NSW Labor stalling on habitat clearing loopholes
River report has answer to stop fish kills but will government listen?
Canterbury Spotted Skink In Serious Trouble
Senate hears Labor’s environmental integrity extinct after capitulation to mining & fossil fuel lobby
37 endangered Northern Corroboree Frogs discovered at sites across Namadgi
Labor breaks promise to deliver real environmental protection
Incomplete nature reforms leave our environment dangerously exposed
Government announces new environmental authorities but comprehensive reform still desperately needed