Latest fair share News | Page 6

Revamped Safeguard needs to support competitiveness and reduce net emissions
Report shows urgent need to fix wealth inequality
Labor ignores opportunity to address housing crisis with Arden precinct
Australia’s first Coordinator-General for emergency management announced
Australia funding just one-tenth of its global fair share on climate: report
Climate Council releases science-backed plan to turbocharge Australia’s race to zero emissions
Climate Bill is start, but now work begins in earnest
Workers’ share of GDP plummets to lowest on record
Wollondilly calls for fair share of NSW infrastructure funds as one of only 10 Councils to meet NSW housing targets
Barbara Pocock to fight for SA women at Jobs Summit
Injured Caboolture police officers standing strong
Measuring Currents in Heart at Millimeter Resolution with Diamond Quantum Sensor
Greens welcome ACTU’s call for Stage Three tax cuts to be repealed
Full and secure employment must be top economic goal
Time to stop tax dodging millionaires and gas giants
Public consultation begins on Multinational Tax Integrity and Transparency
Shining light on off-the-books payments
ACOSS commends parliament for working together to act on climate change Act
Significant win for tax transparency
RBA is prescribing wrong medicine
Work starting on Midgen Flat Road
Vote for action on Games for all Queenslanders
Applications open for Local Places Heritage Grants
Minerals industry is Olympic gold medallist with paying tax
$1 billion ATO settlement shows importance of ensuring multinationals pay their fair share
Liberals and Nationals to fund new Aquatic and Leisure Centre for Phillip Island
RBA: Businesses raising prices, not wages, contributing to inflation
Bold solutions needed to ease inflation pressures
Off-road motorcycles put four times more kids in hospital than quad-bikes
Rockhampton railyards rejuvenation powering ahead
ACT Budget to deliver more road safety upgrades
International tax reform: Multilateral Convention to implement Pillar One on track for delivery by mid-2023
Better facilities coming for female jockeys at Rockhampton Jockey Club
Massive Gold Coast Turf Club redevelopment commences
Smart farms: sharing ideas to help ageing landowners
WHO Director-General welcomes ACT-Accelerator fair share contributions from Norway and Sweden
Mining industry contributed record $43 billion in company tax and royalties in financial year 2020-21
Coal industry prospers under bipartisan progressive coal royalties
Our strategy to withstand future challenges, adapt and thrive
ACT Population reaches over 450,000
New state resources tax crash tackles economy
Windfall tax on gas profiteering as easy as PRRT
Queensland’s blatant resources royalty grab will cost investment and jobs
Greens call on new Minister to make up for refugee support not provided during pandemic
New 2030 target meaningful boost to climate action
Finance sector workers can’t afford cuts to real wages
‘The Great Disconnect’: New research shows lack of public trust with corporate ESG
LNG Export Companies 95.7% Foreign Owned: Research Report