Latest federal budget News | Page 3

How did science and research stack up in the 2024 Federal Budget?
Retailers welcome cost-of-living relief in Federal Budget, concerns remain around support for small businesses
Budget fails to shift the dial on housing crisis
Banks welcome Budget investment to further strengthen and secure our financial system for Australians   
Federal Budget just the beginning of reform for Australia’s research-based future – Group of Eight
ACA welcomes Federal Budget support for low carbon liquid fuel industry
Budget looks over the horizon but inflation means tough times to linger
2024-25 Federal Budget Released
Billions for green industry, no new money for gas – this is how we build Australia’s clean future
Thirty years overdue-R&D strategic examination a once-in-a-generation opportunity for structural reform
Federal budget first step in desperately needed university reform
Budget Leans Into Long Term Plan For Financial Services
Federal Budget invests further in housing supply measures but lacks bold and ambitious housing reform
CFMEU backs budget spend on apprentice and women tradies
Federal Budget drops the ball for Australians struggling to afford essential healthcare
Budget for investment not cost overruns
Budget aims for holistic approach to housing but is not yet on target
The next step in Australia’s Net Zero journey: universal household electrification finance
At a glance: the 2024 federal budget split four ways
Budget takes positive steps on competitiveness with more to do
Mining Continues To Underpin Australian Economy
Relief on energy bills for all in a federal budget that bets on lower inflation
Budget is further recognition of vital role of nurses and nursing
2024 Federal Budget Forgot To Put Students At The Heart Of Skills Training
2024 Federal budget must address housing affordability and protect the environment
Strengthening the justice system to better protect domestic and family violence victim survivors
Scrapping the waste export levy threatens Australia’s emerging lithium battery recycling industry
Little Hope Federal Budget Will End The Student Loan Tax
It’s so hard to see a doctor right now. What are my options?
Mayor Welcomes Rail, Urges Cost-of-living Help
Budget must include the cost of living healthy and well into the future
Government’s job not done to improve access to essential care and reduce costs for Australians: RACGP
Federal Budget 2024 Prudent choices needed today for economic success tomorrow
Property Council welcomes National Cabinet and Federal Budget housing commitments
National housing campaign welcomes $1 billion investment in creating homes for young people with nowhere to live and women and children escaping violence
Health system needs urgent investment now to tackle immediate concerns
New trial to attract and retain more doctors in regional and rural South Australia
Arts and festivals sector in crisis requires budget package to thrive, not just survive
Albanese’s North East Link bailout a vote of no confidence in Rail Loop
Patients must be given greater access to after-hours GP appointments
Comprehensive resourcing mapping a smart move for Australia’s future
Active Transport Funding To Get Australians Moving
NSW Government welcomes investment in construction skills sector
Tradie skills spend will boost construction: CFMEU
Budget must make it cheaper and easier for Australians to access healthcare
NFF delivers 17 priorities for the Federal Budget to advance agriculture
Women leaders call for JobSeeker boost to promote women’s safety