Latest federal government News | Page 212

Swallow Street opens in time for Christmas
Statement on Firefighters
Water for Fodder program inundated
Enterprising works improve safety and congestion
Melbourne Airport rail link needs a Broadmeadows connection
Preschool funding continues
$130,000 grant to promote active life for people with disability
More Liberal cuts on way
Housing deal must make a real difference
Farmers encouraged to take up Regional Agricultural Migration Scheme
MYEFO Shows Need For Redoubled Commitment To Growth And Productivity Agenda
MYEFO spreads Christmas cheer to small businesses
MYEFO’s extra $4.2 billion for transport infrastructure endorsed by AAA
Redoubled Commitment To Economic Growth Needed After MYEO
Scathing Joint Parliamentary Committee report confirms changes to NDIS planning processes needed
Skipton Common Traditional Owner burn
More cash for drought-hit farmers
ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry: Ai Group priorities for further consultations
Statement from Victoria Tourism Industry Council Chief Executive, Felicia Mariani
National Leadership Needed At Building Ministers Forum
Commonwealth Bank to offer loans under First Home Loan Deposit Scheme
Statement On White Island Tragedy
Red tape buster a breakthrough for NDIS small businesses: Ombudsman
Liberals turn their backs on Tasmanians going without food
Littleproud welcomes South Australian step up in drought support
Liberals fail to commit state funds for crucial upgrades at Burnie Port
Ombudsman welcomes legislation to establish Business Growth Fund
Lifesaving Medevac Legislation to be repealed
School Testing Results Show Need for Increased and Better Targeted Funding
Medevac repeal is heartless and dangerous: Centre Alliance
Ombudsman supports Academy for Enterprising Girls
Racist elements in LNP must be called out
Fighting drought with Water for Fodder
Federal funding a bandaid not a cure
Government right to persevere with union bills
Recalls triple under “shamefully weak” safety laws: CHOICE
HSU welcomes findings and recommendations of Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System
CBA puts $100 million towards Australian Business Growth Fund
Another Milestone Reached – $400 million Darwin Ship Lift Appears In 2019-20 Mid-Year Report
Greens Welcome Horse Traceability Scheme Report
Riverfront pop-up café on horizon
Welcomed ‘first steps’ response to interim report with more urgently needed
New milestone in levee project
Intersection upgrade taking shape at Geaney Lane
Scully demands NSW Treasurer list nominated infrastructure projects for federal fast track
Karnup Station project planning continues as METRONET rolls out
Highway upgrades to improve safety, bust congestion and create jobs
Australian Federal Government and the Opposition sign off on uncontrolled genetic experiment