Latest Fisheries Management News

Collaboration strong between Australia and PNG fisheries
15 illegal foreign fishers apprehended near Deliverance Island
Implementation Of Fisheries Legislation Not To Proceed
New Chair Appointed To Fisheries RDC
New aquaculture record offers way for ending hunger without harming marine environment: FAO Fisheries Chief
Sustainable fisheries management supports industry development
Five fishers plead guilty for illegal activity in Australian waters
A new ruling says countries – including NZ – must take action on climate change under the law of the sea
Australia and Indonesia wrap-up maritime security operation
Message In Satellite Tag 19 May 2024
Growing Aboriginal Fishing Opportunities In WA’s North
Illegal Fishers In Hot Water After Their Day In Court
Budget 2024-25: Protecting and Growing the Future of Agriculture
Community hui to talk about kina barrens
New catch limits for unique fishery areas
Fifteen Illegal Fishers Handed Hefty Fines
Being Internationally Recognised Hard Way
Bill targets illegal, unregulated fishing in international waters
Lifetime Achievement Award recognises contribution to sustainable fisheries management
Fisheries management success has garfish back on the Perth menu
Operation LEEDSTRUM: Prosecutions continue in Darwin for illegal fishers
Operation LEEDSTRUM: Offenders prosecuted and sentenced in Darwin
Expansion plans for Victoria’s trout cod populations
Temporary fishing closure to protect endangered fish from EHNV
Illegal fishers on notice after vessels destroyed, crews detained
Local seafood on menu for Christmas lunch
Boat ramp surveys boost knowledge of recreational fishery
Bag limit reduced for cockles in Corner Inlet
2023 End of year message to IOT communities
Beluga whales’ calls may get drowned out by shipping noise in Alaska’s Cook Inlet
FAO and Norway announce new phase of the EAF-Nansen Programme
Tackling illegally imported seafood
Overfishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea falls to lowest level in a decade
New Zealand fishers agree to share Moana Project sensor data
Caution is best for orange roughy
Promoting sustainability this World Fisheries Day
Why agrifood systems must be at the core of climate action: a COP28 preview with FAO climate expert
New Fishway to bolster rural livelihoods in Cambodia
CSIRO launches research project to assess climate change impacts on Torres Strait fisheries
Over 3,000kg of illegal catch seized by ABF
Fishing for science around Heard Island 3 November 2023
Taming wild northern rivers could harm marine fisheries and threaten endangered sawfish
One kilometre of ‘ghost net’ removed from Torres Strait
Government’s ongoing fisheries failures to hurt consumers as fish and chips prices set to rise
Report provides insights into fish stocks
WA’s fisheries expertise highlighted in world conference
AECOM and Resilient Reefs Initiative welcome new resilience strategy for Palau’s Koror Rock Islands
Palauan’s pull together to protect their patch