Latest FM News | Page 3

Everything you need to know about the Ballarat Begonia Festival 2024
Two Years On, Australia Stands With Ukraine
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – Hit FM WA
New year, new trade opportunities for Aussie agriculture
Sentencing of Dr Yang Jun
ABC Announces Three New Audio Appointments
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – Star 104.5 Central Coast
Melbourne Conversations to better shape our city
Further sanctions on Myanmar military regime
Australian Prime Minister Radio Interview – Triple M Brisbane
Knox Mayor talking Knox on radio
Additional support for Timorese palm workers
$35 million for Timor-Leste Police Development Program
Australia brimming with Critical Minerals investment opportunities
Australian Prime Minister Radio Interview – Fox FM Melbourne
Australian foreign minister to visit Timor-Leste and Nauru
Palm scheme workers can now apply to bring family to Australia
Australian foreign minister to visit Indonesia 25 January
2024 Shoalhaven Australia Day Award winners announced
Statement 24 January
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to the World Trade Organization
Sanctions in response to terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas
Cyber sanctions in response to Medibank Private cyber attack
Appointment of Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Consuls-General
Detention of Dr Yang Jun
Unlocking the Secrets of Quasicrystal Magnetism: Revealing a Novel Magnetic Phase Diagram
Further humanitarian assistance to Occupied Palestinian Territories and the region
Visit To Jordan, Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the United Arab Emirates
Taiwan elections 14 January
Australia-Korea Foundation grant recipients
Australia-Japan Foundation grant recipients
Bangladesh parliamentary elections
Recognising achievements and welcoming diversity this Australia Day
Sydney set to go global with NYE spectacular
Establishment of the Office for First Nations International Engagement
Co-Convenors of the WTO Joint Statement Initiative on E-Commerce announce substantial conclusion of negotiations on a number of global digital trade rules
Statement on Houthi Attacks in Red Sea
Council funds community led projects to create vibrant places
Blue Dot Network
Mornington Community Hub: come see what’s on offer
Corrections to Herald Sun article of 17 December
Fireworks on foreshore 18 December
Statement on settler violence in West Bank
UN General Assembly tenth emergency special session: protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations – explanation of vote
Australia-United Arab Emirates Trade Agreement
Australian Government concerns about recent actions in the South China Sea
Appointment of Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Consuls-General
First fields of barley make their way to China