Latest Forestry News | Page 17

Supporting Our Timber Workers
Indigenous rangers roundtable informs future of northern Australia’s biosecurity
New national plans to strengthen animal health
New detector dog graduates bolster Australia’s biosecurity
New chair appointed to South West Development Commission
Premier pays tribute to Minister Dave Kelly
Statement from Minister Dave Kelly
Federal Government’s recommitment to Regional Forest Agreements welcomed
Growing momentum in softwood plantation expansion
New figures show agriculture is booming despite floods
Supporting communities through changes to native timber industry
Endangered listing of Southern Greater Gliders: more evidence of damage
Value of sustainable forest industry extends into community
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese backs forest industries’ vital role in Australia’s climate chang
CSIRO unveils major project to support healthy future for nation’s soils
Exports tracking towards new record high growth
National surveillance partnership to protect Australia’s forests
ATMAC grants weaving way for domestic wool processing
Highest ever fine for endangering Australia’s biosecurity system
Plan to boost value & lift sustainability of NZ forestry sector
FAO and Pacific nations weigh local innovations as solutions to growing climate and nutrition challenges
Grants to help animal by-products and leather industry diversify export opportunities
Don’t steal tree this Christmas, support good jobs instead
Visit paves way for deeper trade ties
Major Event Review of 2019-20 Victorian bushfires shows need for major forest management overhaul
World Trade Organization Director-General visits Australia
Native Forestry Community Advisory Group members announced
Australia to recommence receiving international sea mail
Stuart Nash to attend OECD meetings
New drought grants to boost on farm resilience
Working together to protect and grow ag sector on National Agriculture Day
Native forest logging cost NSW residents $9 million this year
ABCC Annual Report highlights its achievements
Get ready for Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grants
New report recommends growth in sustainable forestry via nationally determined approaches to meet cl
Councils should back cuts to red tape
Australia endorses Glasgow Breakthrough Agenda on Agriculture
Traceability grants to help grow ag sector
Forestry Australia welcomes landmark study on net benefits of multiple use forest management
Australia joins forests partnership to drive climate action
World animal health visit first for Australia
Sustainably managed, multi-use timber producing native forests offer greatest carbon benefits
Appointment of new Regional Investment Corporation CEO
Insight – Improved import conditions for Australian poultry meat to Singapore
New film aims to educate community on wide ranging impacts of Myrtle rust
National Carp Control Plan published
Grant applications to assist native forest industry small businesses
Australia’s first National Lumpy Skin Disease Action Plan launched