Latest global warming News | Page 19

Never mind cost, feel virtue
Students will again skip school egged on by activist adults
Australia’s clean electricity transition falling well behind other comparable nations: analysis
ACF releases election scorecard of parties’ climate and nature policies
Global warming, erosion, mulga deserts and Labor’s flawed eco plan
Labor announcement on Great Barrier Reef funds welcomed, but 1.5C warming limit is key
Analysis: $130 billion per year benefit to GDP by avoiding climate change
Some real climate change facts for Coalition
Declare War on Global Warming, Say SA Voters as Climate Election Looms
Academy announces successful recipients of 2019 J G Russell Award
Researchers serve up climate change solution
Fearless sea urchins stripping underwater forests
National Poll: Australians Opposed to Drilling in Great Australian Bight
Morrison Government must come clean on pre-election groundwater stitch-up for Adani
Global warming disrupts recovery of coral reefs
Morrison Government’s Budget 2019-20: devaluing our environment while fuelling global warming
Palaszczuk Government announces Climate Week Queensland
Labor dishes up dog’s breakfast of Liberal leftovers on climate
Labor climate plan a credible platform to cut pollution across industries but greater ambition is needed
Clean tech discovery is a global warming game-changer
Labor’s plastics plan a step towards tackling pollution tsunami
Climate alarmists staying very quiet
Greens’ policy suite reflects gravity of climate crisis
Majority of South Australians, Including Coalition Voters, Want 100% Renewables by 2030
Climate Change Minister thanks environment watchdog for his ‘landscape’ emissions report
Adani fined for releasing coal-laden water into Caley Valley Wetlands
S20 urges measures to tackle marine plastic pollution and other major threats
Call to act on climate change ecocide
Are we changing system or is it changing us?
Farmers encourage debate on impacts of climate change policies
UQ scientist among ‘world’s most influential’ in climate policy
Labor Leader Rebecca White’s State of State reply speech
RBA issues climate warning
Study shows Great Barrier Reef needs Queensland Government’s Proposed Farm Pollution Rules
Australian climate pollution still rising despite government rhetoric
‘Twilight Zone’ could help preserve shallow water reefs