Latest government policie News | Page 2

Emergency Services Levy must be removed from rating system
Ratepayers’ billion dollar state tax: Report
Perimenopause usually begins in your 40s. How do you know if it has started?
Report for the Inquiry of Disability Services and Inclusion Bill tabled. 
Monash Expert: Senate inquiry into menopause
Zimperium launches Australia’s first sovereign-hosted mobile threat defence capability
New $2.5 million fund to investigate impact of screen-related addiction in young people
Stolen wages class action reaches historic settlement
Ensuring young people are safe and supported
Most Australians want Stage 3 scrapped or overhauled
Urban Futures Strategy, Planning Scheme Review open for consultation
Annual inflation continues to moderate
How to regenerate Australia’s cities by 2032: futures PhD earns award
NSW Government to host vaping roundtable
Survey reveals disconnect between Australians and scientists over the urgency for climate action
Net zero in South Korea: Leaders gather in Chungnam to drive forward commitment to decarbonisation
Rewiring Australia urges household electrification focus and strong governance in NSW climate targets
APS Values: one rule for us, another rule for them
The disability royal commission heard horrific stories of harm – now we must move towards repair
Disability Royal Commission Recommendations Released; Senator Steele-John Responds. 
Extending support for Melbourne Institute’s HILDA survey into Australian families
Planning change permits secondary dwellings on rural land
On World Alzheimer’s Day Dementia-Friendly Communities Action Plan Announced for New South Wales
PolyU publishes Policy Paper on University-Industry Collaboration for Chinese Medicine Innovation in the Greater Bay Area
Emerging Aboriginal leaders called to join First Circles Program
Accountable governance requires effective FOI
Human rights and social justice advocate to break down the Voice in CDU public lecture
Developing sustainability strategy for Tasmania
Does private health insurance cut public hospital waiting lists? We found it barely makes a dent
Qantas orders more aircraft for international fleet
Life-changing medical research funded
Security Council: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Tri-state September plastics bans welcome but national consistency still needed to minimise complexity
Regulated water charges fell in real terms across most Basin states in 2021-22
Crucial role of hobbyists in keeping bee industry buzzing
Expressions Of Interest Open For LGBTIQ+ Advisory Groups
Workplace discrimination is rife for pregnant women and working parents
Building materials inflation hits three-year low, but construction costs face rocky road
Early Career Researchers gain insights into policy-making
China is pumping out carbon emissions as if COVID never happened. That’s bad news for the climate crisis
Draft Urban Greening Strategy on Public Exhibition
Strong engineering construction activity must not be jeopardised
Alternative departure gate established at Armidale Airport
Return of El Niño – are we ready?
For Our Elders: NAIDOC Week exhibition to be unveiled
Senex-AGL gas agreement confirms importance of Qld domestic gas producers to national energy security
“The UN and us”: Berlin Youth Conference
State-of-the-industry report delivers critical insights into Australia and New Zealand’s strata sector