Latest Green Party News | Page 2

Reversing Oil And Gas Ban Brazen And Utterly Reckless
More emissions, more congestion, transport policy a disaster
Scrapping Māori Health Authority tramples over Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Migrant Worker Changes Fall Short
Benefit sanctions will punish people who need support
Luxon’s buzzwords hint at sinister agenda
Greens back Waitangi Tribunal inquiry into climate change policy
Legacy politics has failed whānau, it’s time to act
Groundhog Day as National once again punishes people on benefits
National Govt will make more people poorer
Māori face significant harm from axing govt funding of background reports
Income support for unemployed must be urgently increased
James Shaw announces resignation
Statement from Golriz Ghahraman
Crop spray could lead to mass resistance in new-generation antifungal treatments
Knowingly cruel, Govt makes Aotearoa a more precarious place for working people
Govt trashing nature for its industry mates
Cold climate cuts for Christmas
Govt gets its priorities all wrong with Kāinga Ora review
Govt slams on brakes of climate action
Energy giants treating households like cash machines
Luxon’s free pass to the fossil fuel industry needs to be stopped
Cruel move to put tobacco profit over people’s health
Government turning its back on working people
Teanau Tuiono first Green MP appointed Assistant Speaker
Now, more than ever, we must whakamana Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Government knowingly making life harder for people
Time is Now for Oceans Protection
Greenpeace nitrates research proves need for strong freshwater regulation
Greens launch petition to save oil and gas ban
Waka Kotahi miss the boat on community needs for Waiheke ferry services
Greens back striking teachers
Green Party statement on violence in Israel and Gaza
Health workers accept pay equity settlement achieving average pay increase of 20%
Only Green Party will make life better for renters
Greens welcome new marine reserves for South East Otago
Only the Green Party will build houses at the scale Aotearoa needs
Where do NZ’s political parties stand on fisheries?
Green Party will end child poverty
National’s welfare policy is cruel
Green voice crucial for climate action
People need government that will build many more homes
Climate future of communities on line this election
Green Party calls for stronger action by Auckland Council to protect urban trees and native forest
Every party needs to step up on school lunches
Govt changes fall short of what’s needed for migrant protection
Clean Power Payment the smartest way forward to reduce emissions and bills
Greens would push Labour much further on solar power