Latest Griffith University News | Page 2

Bold experiment hailed a success by GAI and AIIA Queensland
Researchers propose mechanism for just energy transition in Pakistan
ME/CFS Progression In Focus With $438,000 Grant
Global Collaboration To Combat Chronic Lung Infection
Snapshots and smiles: Queensland’s migrant farm workers shine in art exhibition
New Discovery Unravels Malaria Invasion Mechanism
Experienced leaders appointed to Gold Coast Hospital and Health Board
Plan Encourages Habitat Protection To Prevent Pandemics
Persian plateau unveiled as crucial hub for early human migration out of Africa
Nurturing Globally Minded Leaders Beyond Classroom
World leading researchers convene to help combat space health hurdles
What happens to F1 drivers’ bodies, and what sort of training do they do?
Referral Pathway Study For Osteoporosis Patients
Recovering after a false start? What’s the state of play for Brisbane’s 2032 Olympic and Paralympic planning?
Alternative tidal wetlands in plain sight overlooked Blue Carbon superstars
New direction for Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games sports venues has community sport at its heart
Narendra Modi’s economy isn’t booming for India’s unemployed youth. So, why is his party favoured to win another election?
Taring Padi X CAIA Puppet Making Workshop
First national study reveals housing co-operatives could be part of the solution to Australia’s rental crisis
Health outcomes for Long COVID are comparable with ME/CFS
Surviving fishing gear entanglement isn’t enough for endangered right whales – females still don’t breed afterward
$5 Million Grant For Tracking Cube
New Strategy To Deliver Even Better Public Sector
New Griffith Uni payment systems leads to some casuals not getting paid
Griffith Asia Institute Report on Chinese Investment Trends Captivates Nikkei Asia’s Interest
Olympic Titans Turned Trailblazers For Women’s Sport
Need To Tackle Microplastics
Transforming early learning through curiosity and interest
Study shows screen time is replacing vital language opportunities for toddlers
Lightweight Fish Pen To Move Farms To Deeper Seas
Game Changing Platform To Help Athletes Level Up
‘Naked carbs’ and ‘net carbs’ – what are they and should you count them?
Excelling In Education
Is there an alternative to 10,000 kilometres of new transmission lines? Yes – but you may not like it
Revealing What Makes Bacteria Life-threatening
Australia wants navy boats with lots of weapons, but no crew. Will they run afoul of international law?
Biosolids containing microplastics used on farm lands
Prostate cancer treatment given new hope with MRFF win
The government has unveiled its Navy of the future. Will it solve our current problems – or just create new ones?
Microplastics present in muscles, intestines of SEQ sharks
Revolutionary artificial heart a lifeline for heart failure patients
$50 million to develop world-leading artificial heart
LEGO® Robotics therapy may be a pull for improving school attendance rates
Australians are washing microplastics down the drain and it’s ending up on our farms
EVENT | Innovative Approaches to Mobilise High Impact Climate Finance
Looking after those who look after us
Truth through art: explore Beneath this Skin, a new exhibition at Queensland State Archives