Latest health economics News

Researchers Awarded $4.7 Million In NHMRC Investigator Grants
It’s so hard to see a doctor right now. What are my options?
Improving the quality of care for older Australians in hospital
SEK 6.5 Million For KI Research On Rheumatic Diseases
Epilepsy researchers call for more holistic management of the condition after study reveals gaps
Ministerial Visit Focuses On Alzheimer’s Disease
Antibiotic dosing technology speeds recovery of ICU patients
Living in the North of England increases risk of death from alcohol, drugs and suicide
More MRFF Funding Announced For Deakin
Building Healthier State From Inside Out
Australian aged care residents seven times more likely to be taking painkiller medications when compared with Japan
KI in international collaboration to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
KI in international co-operation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Changes are coming for Australia’s aged care system. Here’s what we know so far
New Zealanders are learning to live with COVID – but does that mean having to pay for protection ourselves?
UNSW researchers awarded $10m in health funding
WA Government could save $166 million by restricting junk food advertising
Surfers’ mental health creates US$1 trillion economic wave
Population DNA screening for multiple diseases would save lives and be cost effective: study
Foundation Day 2023 honours visionaries in healthcare, history, and aerospace
Rising above: Deakin’s latest Young Tall Poppies make their mark
With ACT and NZ First promising to overhaul Pharmac, what’s in store for publicly funded medicines?
AMA shares insights into role of private health insurance
Wellbeing index for people with disabilities
Brisbane Braces for Access to Dental Services Inquiry
Sights set on dementia care
Does private health insurance cut public hospital waiting lists? We found it barely makes a dent
NHMRC Partnership Project grants awarded to UNSW researchers
Global medicinal cannabis study launches next phase in Australia
Private health insurance is set for a shake-up. But asking people to pay more for policies they don’t want isn’t the answer
Poor, middle-aged Australians are more likely to die from cancer – and the gap is widening
Aged-care funding reforms must ensure users pay their fair share
Sugary drinks tax could prevent decay and increase health equity: study
Should you register with a GP? What is MyMedicare and how might it change the care you get?
Northern regions received £21m less from flagship ‘levelling up’ fund
Therapy for babies with signs of autism cuts long-term disability costs
Newcastle to lead NSW Government’s pharmacy prescribing trial
Butt out: Why a smoking partner could harm your chances of quitting
The George Institute for Global Health announces new collaboration with CUHK to transform health in China
Mapping COVID in classroom
When recreational cannabis is legal, codeine demand drops
World-first study reveals true cost of child abuse on South Australia’s public hospital system
More businesses are offering online medical certificates and telehealth prescriptions
Prioritising animal health issues in Indonesia and beyond
Innovative assessment tools improve quality of life in aged care
Some GPs just keep their heads above water
Launch of WHO’s first blueprint for dementia research
World-first preventative DNA screening for cancer and heart disease risk