Latest health minister News | Page 49

New Mental Health Advisory Council appointed
Federal funding a bandaid not a cure
Waiting lists for elective surgery reach record highs
Will Hodgman won’t rule out more health cuts on North West Coast
Liberals continue to keep Tasmanians in dark about RHH redevelopment
More people to get mental health training than ever before
Basic administration failures put patient wellbeing at risk
Embarrassing mistake as Labor goes off half cocked
Australian paramedics Association does not support NSW Ambulance body camera trial
Government subsidy triples number of lung cancer patients eligible for KEYTRUDA 1
Sarah Courtney must act urgently on scathing RHH report
No excuse for Victorian elective surgery blow out
Modern emergency care for Queenstown area
Open up pharmacy agreement to give consumers a better deal
Hodgman and Courtney have no idea when Royal beds will be open
Government sends clear message: speak out on health and you will be sacked
Government continues to ignore LGH staff over new escalation protocols
Bowel Screening hits halfway point
More vaccines for meningococcal disease
DBA Scope of Practice Standard is changing – What you need to know
No answers in sight for health
Southern Cannabis Holdings Welcomes Streamlining of Cannabis Laws in Western Australia
Sarah Courtney in hiding while health system in crisis
Courtney ignoring LGH staff over new escalation protocols
Liberals must introduce new escalation protocols at LGH
Hodgman fudges facts, Courtney in hiding
Mental health named as opener this cricket season
More evidence of health system in crisis; swept under carpet by Liberals
Formal recognition at last for paramedics’ frontline medical role
Sarah Courtney fails to fix mess left by her predecessor
More progress on cancer medicines
Another horror health report
Hodgman’s Royal bungle
Hodgman’s cruel health cuts costing lives
Regional Victorians’ appeal to Health Minister calling for consultation on recreational hunting