Latest Immunisation News | Page 18

Get facts about immunisation
School based vaccinations for teens
Shingles vaccination in Australia – people are missing out
Back to school: Is your child up to date with their immunisations
Free measles immunisation available for overseas travellers
AusVaxSafety summary report 2018 is now available
Vaccinations seeing preventable diseases fall
Rate of burden due to vaccine preventable diseases falls by nearly one-third
Community pharmacists to deliver MMR vaccinations
Complacency could reduce HPV protection – is your teen at risk?
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education agree joint approach to help prevent measles spreading
Sharing Knowledge About Immunisation – new website for parents
Measles alert following third locally acquired case
Additional MMR Stock secured for New Zealand
First Immunisation at new Somerville Recreation Centre
Ministry supports action on measles
WA pharmacists able to administer greater range of vaccines
Immunisation service returns to Somerville Recreation Centre
AMA calls for free catch-up vaccinations for adults
One dose of HPV vaccine may be enough, Australian research finds
Help fight flu
No Jab, No Play to improve vaccination rates in WA children
Beat flu to go back to school
Seasons change could signal more meningococcal
Parents: save a life, one flu jab at a time
Freeze spread of flu these school holidays
Measles alert after a new Sydney case in a returned traveller
New measles alert after tourist visits Sydney while infectious
Visitors asked to get vaccinated to stop aged care outbreaks
Measles case 4 July 2019
Reminder: Weekly influenza and winter respiratory illness data
Protect elderly this winter
Record-breaking delivery of flu vaccine
Record-breaking delivery of fly vaccine
Flu jab crucial as winter sets in
NSW boasts high HPV vaccination rate for Aboriginal students
Hand hygiene helps keep flu bugs at bay
Influenza and winter respiratory illness data
Help protect elderly during flu season
Measles alert for airport plane and train passengers
Measles alert for Central Coast and plane passengers
Winter is here – get your flu shot now!
Vax innovator receives Excellence in Healthcare Award
Early childhood immunisation discussion paper released
Doctors urging at-risk adults to vaccinate against “killer lung infection”
Kids under five urged to get flu shot
Perth GP wins AMA Excellence in Healthcare Award
Update to flu immunisation services