Latest inflammation News | Page 3

Controlling inflammation to conquer lung infections
Team Explores Role of Stimulator of Interferon Genes in Body’s Innate Immune System
Lupus trigger discovered
Mice without immune cells show no SARS-CoV-2 symptoms
Key to young onset bowel cancer may be gut bacteria
Molecular Biomarkers to Diagnose Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Thinking of a(nother) tattoo this summer? What you need to know about sunburn, sweating and fading
You can’t reverse the ageing process but these 5 things can help you live longer
Got period pain or cramps? What to eat and avoid, according to science
Is it OK if my child eats lots of fruit but no vegetables?
Fatigue? Unexplained weight gain and dry skin? Could it be Hashimoto’s disease?
WHO officially recognizes noma as a neglected tropical disease
NHMRC grants to address areas of need in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
Centenary researchers awarded more than $2m in Ideas Grants
EPA refuses to release reports on toxic pollution from Vales Point Power Station
QIMR Berghofer engages AI partner to fast-track cancer drug discovery
Hudson Institute welcomes inflammation specialist as new Centre Head
PERIscope puts research translation on express route
Unique organ-on-a-chip model helping unlock answers to vascular ageing
Cheaper medicines for breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, biliary tract cancer, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and Crohn’s disease
Silica is not only hazard in engineered stone
Wellcome Trust funds study of innate immune cells role in intestinal health and disease
Ageing cells may be key to better health
Bacteria and stomach cancer: breaking link
Neurodegeneration in myelin disease: no myelin is better than bad myelin
New therapy target to shut down multiple myeloma’s ability to survive and thrive
Researchers find clue to fighting fatal flu
Hot weather triggers amoebic meningitis warning 24 November
Women wait for endometriosis diagnosis with multiple symptoms
Funding for Würzburg Biophysicist
How to protect newborn brain
Orthocell announces final positive results of cell therapy in ‘tennis elbow’ study
Anteris reports positive 30-Day haemodynamic results from trial
US FDA grants Argenica Therapeutics’ ARG-007 orphan drug designation
Pivotal role of TLR7 protein revealed in lung disease
Do you think you have a penicillin allergy? You might be wrong
Swinburne researchers succeed in latest ARC Discovery Projects
HRI members celebrated at AAS, ANZMS and AVBS Joint Meeting
Researcher’s work on ‘kiss of death’ protein gets industry accolades
$7000 fine for leaving dog to suffer serious injuries
Help for remote heart disease patients
Charlie’s story – Grieving couple’s mission to end necrotising enterocolitis
Gut fungi amplify inflammation in severe Covid
FDA grants Certa Therapeutics’ FT011 orphan drug designation for systemic sclerosis
New research has found an existing drug could help many people with painful hand osteoarthritis
Heart Foundation funding
Could gut fungi be linked to severe COVID? What to make of new research findings