Latest Jim Chalmers News | Page 2

Merger Reforms Positive But Won’t Lower Prices
Grattan on Friday: Albanese government can’t be accused of excessive caution any longer
National Farmers Federation Applauds Mergers Reform
ACCC Welcomes Proposal For Stronger Merger Laws
More mergers to come under scrutiny in another leg of Chalmers’ competition policy
Stage 3 Tax Cuts
Peter Dutton says Labor is pushing Australia ‘over an energy cliff’ as he talks up nuclear
Albanese government to Fair Work Commission: Don’t let real wages go backwards for the low paid
RBA Reform Legislation
Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Stan Grant and international guests join ChangeFest2024
What Unites Us Over What Divides Us: Australian Communities Lead the Way with Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Stan Grant
Treasurer’s Productivity Commission review is a step in the right direction
NSW urges a fairer, more transparent way forward on GST distribution
Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, speech – 15 March 2024
Jim Chalmers warns budget revenue upgrades will be modest but flags expected surplus
Cameras Expand 24/7 Focus On Offenders
Chalmers exposes Labor as climate change con artists: Greens
Geraldine Slattery opening remarks at AFR Business Summit
Tariff reform to cut costs for businesses and boost productivity
Hundreds of tariffs to go from July 1 in biggest unilateral tariff cut in decades
Grattan on Friday: Treasurer Jim Chalmers prepares a new ‘growth’ script for his third budget
Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher Doorstop interview – Parliament House, Canberra
Paying super on Government Paid Parental Leave to enhance economic security and gender equality
Government to pay super on paid parental leave, benefitting 180,000 families a year
View from The Hill: Does Dunkley tell Peter Dutton he should give more attention to the former Liberal heartland?
Australian Prime Minister Radio Ionterview – RPP FM
Australian Prime Minister Press conference – Parliament House
Albanese Government’s cost-of-living tax cuts to roll out from July 1
Press Conference – Parliament House
Labor steady in Newspoll but down in Resolve; it’s tied in Queensland
Greens Will Move Amendment To Retain S11 Of RBA Act
Strengthening the Single Economic Market
Finance Minister to meet Australian Treasurer
New McKinnon Prize shortlist reflects changing face of Australian political leadership
Australian Prime Minister Television interview – 7:30
RBA continues to punish households
Australian Prime Minister Television interview – ABC Insiders
Government launches ACCC inquiry into supermarket prices
Australian Prime Minister Radio interview – WSFM Sydney
Opinion piece: Chocolate, cartels and competition
Australian Prime Minister Television Interview – Sky Sunday Agenda
Government to launch ACCC inquiry into supermarket prices
Greens say Stage 3 blowout shows tax cuts for the rich will boost inequality and inflation, must be cancelled
How Australia’s huge superannuation funds can do much more to fight climate change, with a little help
Scrap stage three tax cuts to fund low-income cost of living relief
Albanese Government cracks down on illegal tobacco imports
Appointment of Dr Craig Emerson as Independent Reviewer of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct
​Non-government schools and religious charities targeted in proposed tax grab