Latest Kalkee News

Horsham Celebrates National Reconciliation Week
Hub Long Day Care Plan Progresses
Autumn Roadworks: Current Road Construction Projects
Whistling up safety improvements at Kalkee
HRCC services over Christmas and New Year
Kerbside waste review underway
Senior staff inspect rural roads
National Reconciliation Week: Be Voice for Generations
Plan to offer long day care at Kalkee Road Children’s Hub
Services over Christmas and New Year
Wimmera Pulse Field Day set to be electric at Kalkee
Rural road resheeting program in full swing
Horsham North residents share ideas
Horsham North issues and opportunities up for discussion
Kalkee Road Children’s Hub celebrates Australian Reading Hour
Children’s Week celebrated at Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub
Scarecrow in need of new friends
Police release digital image after man threatens woman in Horsham
Kalkee Road Children’s Hub services continuing during second lockdown
Supported Playgroup gets back to in-person sessions
Local women encouraged to run for Council election
Emus and gumnuts catch waste staff’s eye in Painted Bin Competition
Isolation Bin-spiration week one winners
Supported Playgroup streams National Simultaneous Storytime live
It’s International Midwives Day
Major rural roads upgraded
Riverfront Activation planning underway
Changes to immunisation
Rural Road Network Plan workshops cancelled
Extra bus services welcomed
More Bus Services, More Often For Horsham Community
Easing Leap Into School For Horsham Kids
Multiple Birth Support Program to be restarted
Courting Success In Horsham, Kalkee And Natimuk
Weekly Football and Netball Update – 17-18 August