Latest Kazakhstan News | Page 3

Committee against Torture Discusses Reports on Follow-up to Concluding Observations, Individual Communications, and Reprisals
Universal access to sexual and reproductive health
Deteriorating hunger situation urgent crisis for millions caught in conflict
Human Rights Council Adopts Seven Resolutions
Human Rights Council Adopts Four Resolutions
Human Rights Council Adopts Nine Resolutions
Human Rights Council Adopts Universal Periodic Review Outcomes of Republic of Moldova, South Sudan, Haiti and Sudan
“The post-COVID world must not just build back better
Insight – High food prices drive rise in export restrictions
Warning as history grimly echoes in Ukraine
Countries pledge to step up action on climate and environment at OECD Environment Ministerial
Rich countries must end oil and gas production by 2034 for fair 1.5°C transition
Prosperity – Training professionals in trade, food security and nutrition
Human Rights Council Holds Separate Interactive Dialogues with Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and with Special Rapporteur
Human Rights Council Holds Panel Discussion on Family Reunification
Human Rights Council Discusses Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan and in Tigray Region of Ethiopia
Human Rights-Centred Multilateralism Needs to be Built and Vaccines Must be Acknowledged as Global Public Goods
Human Rights Council Starts High-Level Segment, Hearing from Presidents of Tunisia, Lithuania, Colombia
Human Rights Council Opens Forty-Ninth Session, Decides to Hold an Urgent Debate on Situation in Ukraine
Australian Biosecurity continuing to protect cattle and buffalo from lumpy skin disease
Researching new markets pays off for Australian National University
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Eighty-First Session
New global report on maintaining services for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and older people during Covid pandemic
UN experts condemn lethal force against protesters, misuse of term ‘terrorists’: Kazakhstan
Bachelet urges peaceful resolution of grievances: Kazakhstan unrest
Vodafone protects Australians from roaming rip off – just in time for borders opening
Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination closes one hundred and fifth session after adopting concluding observations
Apple announces third annual Apple Music Award winners
International research collaboration designed to increase understanding of human adaptation to spaceflight
Committee against Torture Discusses Follow-up to Concluding Observations, Follow-up to Individual Communications, and Reprisals
New Ambassador to Russia announced
Australia drops four places on global climate ranking
World Health Organization Secretariat announcement regarding election of next WHO Director-General
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women Opens Eightieth Session
Police charge two after nearly $10mil worth of prohibited drugs concealed in sewing equipment in Murrumbidgee
Committee on Rights of Migrant Workers Meets with One Non-Governmental Organisation and One National Human Rights Institution
OECD Steel Committee says persistent overcapacity may trigger sharp downturns when steel demand loses momentum
OECD Steel Committee warns that overcapacity may trigger sharp downturns when steel demand loses momentum
High Commissioner for Human Rights tells Human Rights Council that Human Rights situation in Belarus continues to worsen
Middle class actually enables autocrats in post-Soviet countries
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and FAO approve COVID-19 technical support package
OECD Steel Committee gravely concerned about impact of COVID-19 crisis on steel market
Christie and University of Manchester commit to improving cancer outcomes in Kenya
Biosecurity measures reinforced for brown marmorated stink bug season 2020-21
Booming Resources Sector Provides Diverse Opportunities
Government policies providing more than USD 500 billion to farmers every year distort markets
NZ Ambassador to Chair WTO General Council
Simple, fuel-efficient rocket engine could enable cheaper, lighter spacecraft