Latest Leader of the House News

Return To Parliament
Minister to attend World Anti-Doping Agency Symposium
Questions For Pesutto About His Donor-Funded Legal Defence
Inquiry into New Norfolk Distillery offer 11 December 2023
Delivering legislation that matters for all Tasmanians
Labor’s self-serving stunts put politics before people
Government Focused on Delivering, Labor Focused on Politics
Tasmanian Liberal Government Cabinet
New Cabinet To Keep Delivering For Victorians
Government clearly focused on progressing legislation
More predictable political palaver from Labor
Labor’s latest stunt backfires
Leader of House statement
Jan Tinetti misled Parliament out of negligence
Victorian Premier issues statement 22 June
Ministerial forum on Multicultural Affairs – Communique 5 June
Mark Speakman elected new NSW Liberal Leader
Labor civil war continues
Proposed Parliament sitting plan for week ahead
Mahuta was working on entrenchment for weeks
Another Mahuta Cabinet Manual breach
New Cabinet To Keep Doing What Matters
Government to remove entrenchment from Three Waters legislation
Joint press conference – Parliament House
Government takes steps to eliminate sexual harassment in Australian workplaces
Statement from Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk 9 September
Doorstop Interview – Perth
Statement On New Ministry
Parliament Preview: Tasmanian Liberal Government getting on with job of delivering 2022-23 State Budget
Cabinet changes following Faafoi, Mallard resignations
Continuing to deliver for all Tasmanians
Industry welcomes appointment of Australia’s first female Resources Minister
Labor’s lazy budget critique
Rockliff Government delivering for Tasmanians when Parliament returns
Adam Bandt reveals balance of power asks at Greens national campaign launch in QLD
Rockliff Government getting on with delivering for Tasmanians when Parliament returns
No Parliamentary sitting days will be lost in 2022
Tennant Creek and Mutitjulu listed as targeted GP recruitment locations
Tasmanian Liberal Government Ministry 11 April
Shame, Shame, Shame
Government delivering for Tasmanians, as Toxic Labor whinge and complain
White must correct record
Delivering for Tasmanians in 2022 and beyond
Oversight of COVID decisions needed
Energy and experience to deliver for NSW
Portfolio changes within McGowan Cabinet announced
Scrutiny turns to disengaged White and ‘team’
Labor can’t count