Latest loneliness News | Page 3

How to beat loneliness – virtually and in real life
Tackling loneliness requires a new approach which addresses societal inequalities
Grants to support innovative responses to social isolation and loneliness across Queensland
1 in 2 young people stressed about loneliness & mental health impacts according to a new report by ReachOut on International Day of Friendship
Bumble Inc. Introduces ‘Bumble For Friends’ Friendship-Finding App
Friendships forged at Carinity Our House
$5.5 million for research to reduce impact of loneliness on chronic disease
What is ‘sundowning’ and why does it happen to many people with dementia?
Aged care homes urged to accept pets
New program to reduce loneliness among older LGBTI citizens
Inspection report: Serious human rights concerns in hotel detention
Self-care and seeking support in dark days
Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness
Torrens University Australia is Challenging Ageism
Tim Baker: In praise of friendship
In praise of friendship
$220,000 to promote age-friendly communities
Delivering mental health benefits in your local community? Apply for a $10000 grant from Aussie Post
Queensland Government supports seniors living with HIV to connect with service providers and age positively
What are the long-term effects of quitting social media? Almost nobody can log off long enough to find out
Thanks to Carinity volunteers
headspace supports LGBTIQA+ young people on IDAHOBIT Day 2023
Impacts of YouTube on loneliness and mental health
Alone Australia contestants are grappling with isolation and setbacks. Here’s what makes a winner
Love thy neighbour: How to help older people deal with social isolation and loneliness
ABC programs bring home a swag of awards from the 2023 New York Festivals Awards
Emerging artists propel their art practice to next level
Research reveals older Australians’ mental health hit hard by pandemic
Do good for your community – register your venue to be a Chatty Café
Sex, Drugs and Chocolate Bowl
Free cyber security information session to safeguard seniors against online threats
City of Whittlesea celebrates neighbourhood spirit
Neighbour Day 2023: Bayside
Pandemic stress had a greater impact on those who were pregnant, study finds
Sharing meals can help older Australians combat loneliness
New report finds artificial intelligence fuels ageism in aged care
How to deal with loneliness and get support
‘Hi Neighbours’ initiative – Creating community and connection
Clown play explores heartbreak and humor of aging
Boroondara Wellbeing Conversations
WORLD PRIDE – HEADSPACE: lgbtqia+ young people most likely to seek mental health support
New program to boost social connections for seniors
Youre about to see growing trend of laptop workers in cafs
Funding to tackle social isolation and loneliness in Queensland communities
Official launch celebrates successful start for Seniors Village Hub
Look after yourself this holiday season
Two thirds of young people feel lonely
Long-term strategy to protect and enhance Queensland’s great lifestyle as we grow