Latest loophole News | Page 2

Standing up for casual workers
New ABS Labour Force Figures 20 July
Greens push for spending caps to make state elections fairer
Bizarre business ad campaign misses the point of Same Job Same Pay
Ad campaign backs Same Job Same Pay laws to close labour hire loopholes
Restrict title of ‘surgeon’ to protect patients, AMA tells hearing
Greens welcome end to native forest logging in Victoria, urge Labor to pass Greens federal bill
No fear: BHP workers have everything to gain from Same Job Same Pay
Gambling-related signage to go in NSW by September
Minns Government introduces bill to ban clubs with pokies from donating to NSW political parties
Reforms to level the playing field and deliver relief for renters
Heart Foundation commends Government for bold and lifesaving e-cigarette reforms
Greens push to protect breastfeeding in public places, including courts
More still to do to get big money out of politics
Queensland’s environmental laws strengthened
Greens to introduce Bill to remove 20% cap on federal public schools funding
Collaborating to help stop scams – Chris Sheehan interview on 3AW Mornings
Labor’s Christmas gift for underfunded public schools: kick in teeth
First round of firearm prohibition orders served
Gaming of government super test leaves members worse off
Your Future, Your Super performance test gaming leaves members worse off
Greens call on VicRoads to fix licence loophole
If Government is going to close one donations loophole, let’s close them all
Greater transparency ensured for political party donations
College of Surgeons welcomes crackdown on cosmetic surgery cowboys and restrictions on title of surgeon
GST proposal for KiwiSaver fees will not go ahead
Tax legislation makes Green Party change to public transport tax
ACTU welcomes action on EBA terminations
NZ First Foundation loophole must be closed at select committee
Threatened species spike 20%, environment report shows
Nation-wide rallies call on Carpet Court to back workers
Retirement Income Covenant welcome reform but it is now up to Senate to abolish law that sees lower-income women denied super
Ensuring child support is paid to care for young Australians
Budget Update shows Qld economy leading nation
Parliament rises without passing important superannuation equity measure
Survivors, lawyers welcome end of legal loophole in SA child abuse claims
End in sight for legal loophole in SA child abuse claims
Australia must not sabotage Glasgow climate consensus: Greens
Food marketing codes fail to protect children from junk food ads
Resources for smoking cessation with Nicotine Vaping Products
Council calls on NSW Government to review Covid travel exemption
Government should fix COVID-19 leave loophole before summer seasonal work starts
As Morrison prepares ground to ditch Kyoto credits Liberals and Labor both failing 2030 test
High-sugar toddler milks overpriced, potentially harmful
Super tests welcome but must be a lot more robust
Delivering significant Justice reforms
Palaszczuk Government expands commitment to racing integrity
A loophole has allowed for deadly Takata airbags to be installed in some Australian cars